I've been thinking and I've thought of more movies that I either recommend or do not recommend.
Recommend: Hellboy and Sideways
Do Not Recommend: I Robot
Watched a classic episode of Charmed this morning. It was the one where Prue and Cole go back to the Old West to save Phoebe and stop a curse. The best part was when Victor told Leo to watch out for Whitelighters. Ah. Amusing. The episodes just aren't that good any more. Interesting sidenote: the writers of the episode have been on the Alias writing staff since the beginning.
I suppose Charmed is probably the main thing I miss right now about the downgrading of my relationship with Lady Vader. (BTW If you're reading this, I perfectly understand why it happened.) Don't get me wrong. I miss other things but that is just the first thing that comes to mind.
It seems that more and more, my friends are moving away from me. To clarify: I mean in a metaphorical sense. None have really been physically near me for quite sometime. Why can't I move on myself? Why do I cling to the past so?
Recommend: Hellboy and Sideways
Do Not Recommend: I Robot
Watched a classic episode of Charmed this morning. It was the one where Prue and Cole go back to the Old West to save Phoebe and stop a curse. The best part was when Victor told Leo to watch out for Whitelighters. Ah. Amusing. The episodes just aren't that good any more. Interesting sidenote: the writers of the episode have been on the Alias writing staff since the beginning.
I suppose Charmed is probably the main thing I miss right now about the downgrading of my relationship with Lady Vader. (BTW If you're reading this, I perfectly understand why it happened.) Don't get me wrong. I miss other things but that is just the first thing that comes to mind.
It seems that more and more, my friends are moving away from me. To clarify: I mean in a metaphorical sense. None have really been physically near me for quite sometime. Why can't I move on myself? Why do I cling to the past so?