I was thinking that my imaginary readers may want to know what my impressions of the new Battlestar Galactica series. Overall my comments aren't different from when I commented on the mini-series so feel free to check the archives for that I think it was last January. I will add that I think Ronald Moore is focusing too much on everyone's inner psyche. It's alright for Baltar to be a little insane and for there to be conflict between characters but I think it's laid on a little thick. I realize that it may be more realistic than not having it but this is science fiction not reality. If you're new to my mind: "Realistic science fiction," as I term it, sucks. This is why I never could get into the X-Files. Pretty much everything on that show could really happen or does really happen for all I know. Oddly, I kinda liked Knight Rider and Viper but that's the only exceptions I can think of.
Oh, in case you're wondering, Hawkgirl is easing her way back into Justice League Unlimited.
Oh, in case you're wondering, Hawkgirl is easing her way back into Justice League Unlimited.