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So just to keep you readers informed, I am indeed headed down to Florida to visit my cousin over Columbus Day weekend. I'm looking forward to it and it seems she is as well so that's good... My confirmation e-mail from the airline took more than a day to arrive so I, being used those things happening instantaneously, was a bit worried last night.
If I posted yesterday, I may have pointed out that the trend now with my matches is to put me on hold but one who did that finally just closed it today so I guess I won't discuss this much further except to say it's nice to know some of them are at least putting some thought and reflection into it and not making rash decisions.
Another trend seems to be that many of the matches, more than half, that seem most interested in me are two to six years older which I think is interesting. In many ways, I'm mature for my age but am admittedly immature in others so we'll have to see.