Yesterday before we went to the Big E!, I came across the Boston Globe's Top 50 Sci Fi shows. Those of you who know me well know that I cannot let a list such as this pass without basically ripping it a new one.
Let's start with the things they did right. I love the fact they included The Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman (Take that SciFi!) as well as Dark Angel and newer science fiction such as Stargate Atlantis. I even agree that Earth:Final Conflict should be on it despite the last season.
Here's where we run into problems. The Man From U.N.C.L.E is not a science fiction show. If spy shows are in fact scifi then Alias must be included. Why was the original Battlestar Galactica included and not Knight Rider? Personally, I preferred John Doe over Nowhere Man and Beauty and the Beast over Lois and Clark which shouldn't have been included over the far superior Smallville anyway. (The list was probably compiled well before the season premiere but still...)
The most grievous omission to this list is the best Star Trek series known to fans simply as Deep Space Nine especially considering they did include Voyager the worst of the five.
That is just a small sampling of my problems with it but you get the idea.
Let's start with the things they did right. I love the fact they included The Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman (Take that SciFi!) as well as Dark Angel and newer science fiction such as Stargate Atlantis. I even agree that Earth:Final Conflict should be on it despite the last season.
Here's where we run into problems. The Man From U.N.C.L.E is not a science fiction show. If spy shows are in fact scifi then Alias must be included. Why was the original Battlestar Galactica included and not Knight Rider? Personally, I preferred John Doe over Nowhere Man and Beauty and the Beast over Lois and Clark which shouldn't have been included over the far superior Smallville anyway. (The list was probably compiled well before the season premiere but still...)
The most grievous omission to this list is the best Star Trek series known to fans simply as Deep Space Nine especially considering they did include Voyager the worst of the five.
That is just a small sampling of my problems with it but you get the idea.
Voyager is on the list b/c of Janeway. She rocks.