Well, I'm back from taking care of all those cats. It was actually one cat who had the the run of most of the house and 9 others that stayed in one bedroom; two of which I never saw the whole time. The biggest challenge was changing the litter boxes twice a day. One of the littlest kittens escaped from the room about a half dozen times and was harder and harder to catch.
I spent most of my time watching old TV series and movies. I watched episodes of: Magnum PI including the pilot, Hunter including an episode the DVD box hyped had Ed O'Niell in it but also included "Fran McDormand" who perhaps is more well known, Charlie's Angels including the episode that aired originally the day I was born which also happens to be Jaclyn Smith's birthday..., Quantum Leap, Remington Steele, Sledge Hammer, Father Dowling and The Avengers. All series Lady Vader probably doesn't remember since she was under six when they originally aired. (OK, The Avengers and most of the Charlie's Angels episodes aired before even I was born but whatever.)
I'll break down the movies I saw into 4 categories.
Good: Secondhand Lions, K-911 and First Wives Club.
Good Enough: Ladyhawke, Behind Enemy Lines, and Dante's Peak.
Disappointing: K-9:PI (Perhaps once too often to the shallow well.) Cats (I love the music but it needs a plot.)
I Knew They'd Be Crap But Watched Them Anyway: Cutthroat Island and Top Dog. I also attempted to watch Firewalker but after the first half-hour, I decided I'd rather go through more neurosurgery...
I'm not surprised this is the same since we did write a story together once...:
I spent most of my time watching old TV series and movies. I watched episodes of: Magnum PI including the pilot, Hunter including an episode the DVD box hyped had Ed O'Niell in it but also included "Fran McDormand" who perhaps is more well known, Charlie's Angels including the episode that aired originally the day I was born which also happens to be Jaclyn Smith's birthday..., Quantum Leap, Remington Steele, Sledge Hammer, Father Dowling and The Avengers. All series Lady Vader probably doesn't remember since she was under six when they originally aired. (OK, The Avengers and most of the Charlie's Angels episodes aired before even I was born but whatever.)
I'll break down the movies I saw into 4 categories.
Good: Secondhand Lions, K-911 and First Wives Club.
Good Enough: Ladyhawke, Behind Enemy Lines, and Dante's Peak.
Disappointing: K-9:PI (Perhaps once too often to the shallow well.) Cats (I love the music but it needs a plot.)
I Knew They'd Be Crap But Watched Them Anyway: Cutthroat Island and Top Dog. I also attempted to watch Firewalker but after the first half-hour, I decided I'd rather go through more neurosurgery...
I'm not surprised this is the same since we did write a story together once...:
Pretty Messy You scored 62% Dirtiness! |
Your score indicates that your mind is on its way to true dirty status. You've passed the test, but there are some things you could work on. You appreciate dirty things and you wouldn't call your thoughts pure, but you haven't gone completely dirty. You don't have a hard time thinking dirty, but you're probably less driven to do so than someone with a true dirty mind. |
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The Dirty Mind Test written by demainneviendra on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
I know that's a tacky reason, but I have high standards.