This employment agency is a bit different from the other one. I don't know if they're just understaffed or they over booked yesterday but there was a bit more waiting around than I would have liked. The good news is that they didn't have me watch a damn employment safety video and much of the paper work on my skills and what not was done online before I ever went in so that was a time saver. I also like that they encouraged me to check in on a weekly basis if I don't hear from them. The particular job I applied for wasn't discussed. I took 6 computerized assessment tests on Word, Excel, two data entry and payroll. I was above average on the first two, average on the second two and below average on the payroll but I expected as much going into it as all I did at the payroll company was data entry. The thing that I don't particularly care for, although it certainly isn't a huge deal, is that they don't deal in paper checks and require direct deposit. Coming out of the experience, I haven't been as mentally exhausted in while which implies getting a job will improve my sleeping habits...
Make a note: my online dating experience, through a particular service anyway, is over for the time being as my eHarmony account has ended and way too expensive to renew and the cheaper site seemed to only attract Russians wanting an American sugardaddy. Meanwhile, however, I may be actually meeting someone in person in the very near future. As some of you know, although perhaps not given my comments the other day, that I tend to read too much into things, but, our last few conversations seem to suggest she's starting to really get into me. Admittedly, I once thought a woman liked me just because she was happy to see me...
Can someone explain why pretty much only American Idol is showing new episodes against the Olympics and why in God's name Lost is replaying the pilot episode tonight which I've seen twice?
Make a note: my online dating experience, through a particular service anyway, is over for the time being as my eHarmony account has ended and way too expensive to renew and the cheaper site seemed to only attract Russians wanting an American sugardaddy. Meanwhile, however, I may be actually meeting someone in person in the very near future. As some of you know, although perhaps not given my comments the other day, that I tend to read too much into things, but, our last few conversations seem to suggest she's starting to really get into me. Admittedly, I once thought a woman liked me just because she was happy to see me...
Can someone explain why pretty much only American Idol is showing new episodes against the Olympics and why in God's name Lost is replaying the pilot episode tonight which I've seen twice?