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Showing posts from August, 2006

Another Maine Vacation

From Tuesday until yesterday we were in Maine. We started off in the Portland area visiting with relatives both who still live there and others up from NJ. We gathered for lunch twice. First at Two Lights State Park then at the mall. We then went up to Bangor where I was scheduled to have a breakfast "date." She never showed up. She had left an e-mail for me saying there was a complication at work but I didn't read this until I returned back to the motel. We were headed back to Portland the next day so we weren't able to reschedule. Oh well... As per usual, we saw three movies. The first was Arlington Road with Jeff Bridges and Tim Robbins. On the whole, this was very good with great acting and gripping suspense but, alas, the ending majorly sucked. The second film was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory . This film was typical Tim Burton bizarreness but, as is also typical, it somehow works. I think I like Johnny Depp's interpretation of Willy Wonka more than Gene...

What The....?

Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein Circle I Limbo Creationists Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind Scientologists Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow Republicans Circle IV Rolling Weights Rednecks Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled River Styx Parents who bring squalling brats to R-rated movies Circle VI Buried for Eternity River Phlegyas George Bush Circle VII Burning Sands General asshats Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement The New York Yankees Circle IX Frozen in Ice Design your own hell

Rednecks Can't Dance

It would probably be more accurate to say they won't rather than can't but the other way sounded better as a title. More on this later. My Oregonian cousin who's been in Western Mass. all summer stayed with us for the past week and a half before going home today. I'm eight years older and have different life experiences but we have Marvel Comics in common. (She read many of my Spider-man and X-men comics.) Once my father and I got her into the Red Sox we had something else in common but this wasn't the best week to do that I think. (Damn them!) She's way into Christian music and every t-shirt she wore, except one, had a Christian theme. At first, I thought the rap was the worst but yesterday we heard this chick who sounded like Avril Lavigne and you know how much I love her... (Speaking of "chick rock," I listened to excerpts of Paris Hilton's new album and her cover of "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?" was pretty good. I'm not kidding.)...

Because Everybody Will Soon Do It

Step 1: Go to this site . Step 2: Choose 5 quotes that relate to you in some way. Step 3: Paste them in your blog/lj/whatever, along with the instructions "Complain to one who can help you." -Yugoslav Proverb "The future, according to some scientists, will be exactly like the past, only far more expensive." -John Sladek "The idea of all-out nuclear war is unsettling." -Walter Goodman "Writing gives you the illusion of control, and then you realize it's just an illusion, that people are going to bring their own stuff into it." -David Sedaris, interview in Louisville Courier-Journal , June 5, 2005 "They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." -Andy Warhol (1928 - 1987), The Philosophy of Andy Warhol

Knee Surgery Update

I think many of you already know this but, for everyone in cyberspace I haven't told, I have scheduled the knee surgery. It will be in late October. Four days after my 29th birthday. Woo Hoo! Happy Birthday to me! Ok, so the Sox swept the O's. I'll still not be convinced they have a shot at the playoffs until they come away with a winning record against the Tigers and Yankees in this and the next series. I want 12 wins in a row! (Wouldn't that be nice?)

Argh! (Sports Edition)

How in the hell can the Red Sox have such a terrible road trip? The were playing the two worst teams in the league! I know they seem to play better against the good teams but it's absolutely unacceptable to be swept by Kansas City! I'm afraid they're done and I think at least of few of them know it. I predict they will lose again tonight... A quiz: You scored as Jimmy . Y-y-you're Ji-ji-jimmy! One of the nicer kids in South Park. You have trouble expressing yourself, and it can sometimes get you into trouble. But you are an excellent comedian anyways! Jimmy 100% Stan Marsh 83% Eric Cartman 75% Butters 75% Kenny McCormick 75% Kyle Broflovski 67% Timmy 67% Shelly 42% Tweak 42% What South Park Character Are You? created with

Thoughts During Primary Day

1. No matter who you or I voted for yesterday during the primary, Joe Lieberman has proved to be a sore loser. "I'll run as an independent!" Give it up Joe. The state wants a change. You not invulnerable. Get over it. So you've beaten child molesting Republicans in past races. Hell, I'm pretty sure I could manage that... 2. What's John DeStefano going to do with all the bumper stickers now that the people have decided the mayor of my town isn't a good running mate? (Hell, I voted for Glassman as well.) A related question is why does this state even pick running mates before primaries if they aren't tied together in the initial voting? Waste of time, I say. 3. If the Red Sox Don't win the next 2-4 games, they're done. They have the best defensive team they have ever had. (In my lifetime anyway.) The pitching however sucks! I do not blame John Lester specifically since he's not used to the post September grind. (Remind me what month we...

Pirates and More

A couple nights ago, the family and I went to see Pirates of The Caribbean II . This movie was even more the delightful mindless romp Ex-Girlfriend was. Most of the stunts really weren't needed but most were fun to watch anyway. My mother said to me that she thought young kids would have nightmares by it which she's right about, I'm sure but, young kids shouldn't see this movie anyway but they probably will... My one real problem was that the ending was kind of confusing for those who didn't know there would be a third movie and unless you watch the first movie numerous times (which, let's be honest, it isn't really worth doing), how are you supposed to remember all the different characters especially when they don't identify themselves? A question we had that really didn't need to be held over until the next movie was: Does Will think something went on between Jack and Elizabeth? "There will be no knowing!" This heat and humidity is bea...

New Ramblings

I don't know who will read this let alone care as everyone seems to be having their own problems, some anyway being way more important but writing here has always helped at least little just writing it down. I need a change. No, not just a short vacation. I need something to happen that will last at least 9 months. I'm not interested in getting more education as I'm stilling paying off the so far useless education I already possess. I've considered taking up the suggestion of my cousins and move to Portland but their are issues that I need to work out first. (It is true my temp agency has an office there.) One: I can't do anything like that until I get the knee situation figured out. If I do end up having surgery, I want to be home during my extensive rehab. If that sounds a bit childish, so what? The second reason is more of a lasting complication and probably even more childish but the reason I do enjoy living at home is that I can do temp work to pay my tw...