A couple nights ago, the family and I went to see Pirates of The Caribbean II. This movie was even more the delightful mindless romp Ex-Girlfriend was. Most of the stunts really weren't needed but most were fun to watch anyway. My mother said to me that she thought young kids would have nightmares by it which she's right about, I'm sure but, young kids shouldn't see this movie anyway but they probably will... My one real problem was that the ending was kind of confusing for those who didn't know there would be a third movie and unless you watch the first movie numerous times (which, let's be honest, it isn't really worth doing), how are you supposed to remember all the different characters especially when they don't identify themselves? A question we had that really didn't need to be held over until the next movie was: Does Will think something went on between Jack and Elizabeth? "There will be no knowing!"
This heat and humidity is beastly and I will be so glad when it breaks soon. I went over to my mother's church yesterday morning (hottest day of the year) to help weed their library collection. There was air conditioning but it was wasn't a fully enclosed space so that only does so much good. I should acknowledge I do these things on my resume but since it's only off and on and not regular, I'm unsure how. I can really even say "Library Volunteer" since it never is for a set period. What I have to do is remember to mention it in interviews but that depends on it getting that far. I have in the past mentioned I do freelance reference work but they haven't cared yet...
Before I go, there's more to add about the topic I wrote about last time. The title of this chapter is "My Mother." I told one or two of you this maybe but my mother made my father cancel their anniversary trip for later this month because she doesn't want me left alone. I told her I'd wear my brace when doing laundry but apparently this is not good enough. She also seems gung ho on my having surgery. The rehab of which would lay me up for a very long time. I'm not saying this situation would be to Misery extremes but...I've told you about instances where my father has been unable to let go but, in some ways, my mother is worse. I have to confess though I did enjoy the blueberry pancakes and bacon this morning...
This heat and humidity is beastly and I will be so glad when it breaks soon. I went over to my mother's church yesterday morning (hottest day of the year) to help weed their library collection. There was air conditioning but it was wasn't a fully enclosed space so that only does so much good. I should acknowledge I do these things on my resume but since it's only off and on and not regular, I'm unsure how. I can really even say "Library Volunteer" since it never is for a set period. What I have to do is remember to mention it in interviews but that depends on it getting that far. I have in the past mentioned I do freelance reference work but they haven't cared yet...
Before I go, there's more to add about the topic I wrote about last time. The title of this chapter is "My Mother." I told one or two of you this maybe but my mother made my father cancel their anniversary trip for later this month because she doesn't want me left alone. I told her I'd wear my brace when doing laundry but apparently this is not good enough. She also seems gung ho on my having surgery. The rehab of which would lay me up for a very long time. I'm not saying this situation would be to Misery extremes but...I've told you about instances where my father has been unable to let go but, in some ways, my mother is worse. I have to confess though I did enjoy the blueberry pancakes and bacon this morning...