1. No matter who you or I voted for yesterday during the primary, Joe Lieberman has proved to be a sore loser. "I'll run as an independent!" Give it up Joe. The state wants a change. You not invulnerable. Get over it. So you've beaten child molesting Republicans in past races. Hell, I'm pretty sure I could manage that...
2. What's John DeStefano going to do with all the bumper stickers now that the people have decided the mayor of my town isn't a good running mate? (Hell, I voted for Glassman as well.) A related question is why does this state even pick running mates before primaries if they aren't tied together in the initial voting? Waste of time, I say.
3. If the Red Sox Don't win the next 2-4 games, they're done. They have the best defensive team they have ever had. (In my lifetime anyway.) The pitching however sucks! I do not blame John Lester specifically since he's not used to the post September grind. (Remind me what month we're in...) I don't even blame Al Nipper who filled in for Dave Wallace, until yesterday, as pitching coach. I blame the front office for giving up Bronson Arroyo in the off season. Yes, I know we can't have 6 or 7 starters and I also realize no team not on major drugs would take Clement or Wells who have just gotten less appealing as the year as gone on. I also acknowledge Wily Mo Pena whom we got in exchange is really only one of like three batters actually hitting the damn ball right now. The point is that instead of 6 starters we have 2, maybe three if I'm drunk enough to be that generous, who can actually keep the opponents from scoring 7 or 8 runs. Argh!!! (Yeah, I know that rant had nothing to do with the primaries but the thought crossed my mind yesterday so there you go...)
Today, my church tried a mini-vacation bible school. We're going today and tomorrow instead of Monday through Friday. We had five kids so we were able to provide lunch which is a pretty cool idea but unreasonable in a church where we'd get 60-80 kids. Our problem child from church school was very well behaved so yay! I think the secret is to not teach him shit...
Tomorrow I decide whether to have the knee surgery as I go to see the doctor. I just don't know. On one hand, I just finished rehab but you can't imagine how tired I am of this shit. I thought I could just wear my brace when I did laundry which would be a pain in the ass but doable and do my exercises but then I haven't done them since Saturday. I did swim instead on Sunday but still...
2. What's John DeStefano going to do with all the bumper stickers now that the people have decided the mayor of my town isn't a good running mate? (Hell, I voted for Glassman as well.) A related question is why does this state even pick running mates before primaries if they aren't tied together in the initial voting? Waste of time, I say.
3. If the Red Sox Don't win the next 2-4 games, they're done. They have the best defensive team they have ever had. (In my lifetime anyway.) The pitching however sucks! I do not blame John Lester specifically since he's not used to the post September grind. (Remind me what month we're in...) I don't even blame Al Nipper who filled in for Dave Wallace, until yesterday, as pitching coach. I blame the front office for giving up Bronson Arroyo in the off season. Yes, I know we can't have 6 or 7 starters and I also realize no team not on major drugs would take Clement or Wells who have just gotten less appealing as the year as gone on. I also acknowledge Wily Mo Pena whom we got in exchange is really only one of like three batters actually hitting the damn ball right now. The point is that instead of 6 starters we have 2, maybe three if I'm drunk enough to be that generous, who can actually keep the opponents from scoring 7 or 8 runs. Argh!!! (Yeah, I know that rant had nothing to do with the primaries but the thought crossed my mind yesterday so there you go...)
Today, my church tried a mini-vacation bible school. We're going today and tomorrow instead of Monday through Friday. We had five kids so we were able to provide lunch which is a pretty cool idea but unreasonable in a church where we'd get 60-80 kids. Our problem child from church school was very well behaved so yay! I think the secret is to not teach him shit...
Tomorrow I decide whether to have the knee surgery as I go to see the doctor. I just don't know. On one hand, I just finished rehab but you can't imagine how tired I am of this shit. I thought I could just wear my brace when I did laundry which would be a pain in the ass but doable and do my exercises but then I haven't done them since Saturday. I did swim instead on Sunday but still...