To review:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool...
And yes, I've done it a million times before too. And I'm posting a lot. So what? :p
Opening Credits: "After The Goldrush"- Natalie Merchant (That just rocks...)
Waking Up: "Once Around The Block"- Badly Drawn Boy (If you don't listen to the lyrics, not a bad song for this scene really.)
First Day At School: "Your Song"- Elton John (Ok, this makes no sense...)
Falling In Love: "Things Have Changed"- Bob Dylan (::spittake::)
Fight Song: "Can't Stop Loving You"- Van Halen (Yeah, that sounds like a fight I'd get in...)
Breaking Up: "Play Guitar"- John Mellencamp (Why does this song keep popping up?)
Prom (Perhaps Grad Walk?): "Like a Ship"- The Traveling Wilburys. (I wish...)
Life Is Good: "It Must Have Been Love"- Roxette (This is me happy...)
Mental Breakdown: "Long May You Run"- Neil Young (Doesn't make much sense.)
Driving: "Badge"- Cream (Well, it is in the first line of the song...)
Flashback: "Now I Can Die"- Nina Gordon (I do actually have flashbacks from this song...)
Getting Back Together: "As Tears Go By"- The Rolling Stones (I assume this plays at the beginning of the scene...)
Wedding: "I'll Stand By You"- The Pretenders (Best answer yet.)
Birth of A Child: "If You're Gone"- Matchbox 20 (I don't get it...)
Final Battle: "God"- John Lennon (Theological debate apparently.)
Death Scene: "As Long As You're Loving Me"- Vitamin C (That's touching...)
Funeral Song: "Little Black Backpack"- Stroke 9 (This would have been a better fight song.)
End Credits: "Survivor"- Destiny's Child (That's kind of cool actually...)
2nd try: "Truly, Madly Deeply"- Savage Garden (Somehow I don't think this works...)
Overall, that's a awesome soundtrack. Producers should consult me...
To review:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool...
And yes, I've done it a million times before too. And I'm posting a lot. So what? :p
Opening Credits: "After The Goldrush"- Natalie Merchant (That just rocks...)
Waking Up: "Once Around The Block"- Badly Drawn Boy (If you don't listen to the lyrics, not a bad song for this scene really.)
First Day At School: "Your Song"- Elton John (Ok, this makes no sense...)
Falling In Love: "Things Have Changed"- Bob Dylan (::spittake::)
Fight Song: "Can't Stop Loving You"- Van Halen (Yeah, that sounds like a fight I'd get in...)
Breaking Up: "Play Guitar"- John Mellencamp (Why does this song keep popping up?)
Prom (Perhaps Grad Walk?): "Like a Ship"- The Traveling Wilburys. (I wish...)
Life Is Good: "It Must Have Been Love"- Roxette (This is me happy...)
Mental Breakdown: "Long May You Run"- Neil Young (Doesn't make much sense.)
Driving: "Badge"- Cream (Well, it is in the first line of the song...)
Flashback: "Now I Can Die"- Nina Gordon (I do actually have flashbacks from this song...)
Getting Back Together: "As Tears Go By"- The Rolling Stones (I assume this plays at the beginning of the scene...)
Wedding: "I'll Stand By You"- The Pretenders (Best answer yet.)
Birth of A Child: "If You're Gone"- Matchbox 20 (I don't get it...)
Final Battle: "God"- John Lennon (Theological debate apparently.)
Death Scene: "As Long As You're Loving Me"- Vitamin C (That's touching...)
Funeral Song: "Little Black Backpack"- Stroke 9 (This would have been a better fight song.)
End Credits: "Survivor"- Destiny's Child (That's kind of cool actually...)
2nd try: "Truly, Madly Deeply"- Savage Garden (Somehow I don't think this works...)
Overall, that's a awesome soundtrack. Producers should consult me...