Last night, my church hosted a local artist and her "singing crystal bowls." What is that, you ask? The bowls were fiberglass and of different size that kind of looked like a cross between punch bowls and light fixtures. She'd use two probably hollow sticks and, depending on whether she ran them along the inside or outside of the bowls, it would make some kind of sound; some high pitched. She says they were made using spare material from a computer factory. (I guess how exactly they're made she doesn't even know as it's a trade secret apparently.) Her program had 7 or 8 musical compositions but she paused only twice to reposition the bowls so the whole show was less than an hour. After, our ladies group served pineapple upside-down cake and fruit.
When I arrived, the musician needed a place to meditate before her concert but the emcee of the evening could only think of the ladies' room for her to go. I offered to unlock the sanctuary for her. She thanked me after the show and asked me about the church. As one of the few young people in the room like herself, I think she sort of gravitated towards me. I hope she actually does come to church some Sunday. Our conversation was of course interrupted by people wanting to know about her bowls.
During the concert, I sat behind her niece who was in the 7-10 range I'd guess. This girl frequently turned around to stare at me. Why can't I have this reaction with girls/women my own age? (I suppose her aunt might have but I don't think so...)
When I arrived, the musician needed a place to meditate before her concert but the emcee of the evening could only think of the ladies' room for her to go. I offered to unlock the sanctuary for her. She thanked me after the show and asked me about the church. As one of the few young people in the room like herself, I think she sort of gravitated towards me. I hope she actually does come to church some Sunday. Our conversation was of course interrupted by people wanting to know about her bowls.
During the concert, I sat behind her niece who was in the 7-10 range I'd guess. This girl frequently turned around to stare at me. Why can't I have this reaction with girls/women my own age? (I suppose her aunt might have but I don't think so...)