The Incredible Hulk movie totally rocked. It was so much better then the Ang Lee massacre. One, they had a villain in Abomination and didn't waste Absorbing Man as the first attempt frankly did. I thought Eric Bana's acting wasn't terrible but casting Ed Norton in this one to me worked better on two levels: One, Norton is less "buff" so the contrast was more appropriately striking and, two, Norton is a writer/director himself which I think helps in the acting. Speaking of acting, I was very worried when I discovered Liv Tyler was supposed to be a cellular biologist but I was relieved when she didn't have a "techno-babble" lines because, ugh. (My roommate was disappointed Banner couldn't get excited. "Not even a little.")
I admittedly don't remember Abomination's origin from the comic but somehow making him a Russian-born raised in England seemed like just an excuse to not find a Russian actor. My other nitpick is the favoring of the 80's TV show and the UPN cartoon of the 90's over the comic, at least as far as the origin goes. What? Don't tell me our government wouldn't test a gamma radiation bomb in the desert any more... (I did love the inclusion of the "Walking Away" theme into the score and the Jack McGee reference, however...)
I conclude with this:
I admittedly don't remember Abomination's origin from the comic but somehow making him a Russian-born raised in England seemed like just an excuse to not find a Russian actor. My other nitpick is the favoring of the 80's TV show and the UPN cartoon of the 90's over the comic, at least as far as the origin goes. What? Don't tell me our government wouldn't test a gamma radiation bomb in the desert any more... (I did love the inclusion of the "Walking Away" theme into the score and the Jack McGee reference, however...)
I conclude with this: