This will be long but probably not too informative because, that's not how I roll...
Before I left to go up to keep my father and cat company in the absence of my mother who was at a church youth thing in TN, we watched the live action Alvin and the Chipmunks. Overall, it was a great film and throughout the movie they answered my "But what about this?" questions. (I'm still not sure why Simon could see with the random pair of glasses Dave gave him and not the pair Ian forced him to wear since neither pair was prescription but whatever...) I wanted more music as well.
When I heard that the Yankees were coming to town the weekend I was going up to see my father, I thought that was awesome timing. My team failed me. (I will discuss today's trade of Manny when I have all the facts...)
Sunday afternoon, we saw The Dark Knight. This movie totally rocked my socks. As you've already heard I'm sure, Heath Ledger was awesome as the Joker. Maggie Gyllenhaal added some class as the recast Rachel Dawes but why bother to recast if you're just going to kill her off anyway? Problems with Tom hanging around the set? I had no problem with Two Face being in the movie since it demonstrated an aspect of the Joker's character it really couldn't have otherwise, but I agree with those I've talked with that Joker could have carried the movie himself...
After a weird phone issue was solved, I arranged to spent Monday in Bar Harbor with J. Ray and Clay. I've said this before but probably a highlight of my vacation. We did touristy stuff such as go to Sand Beach, Thunder Hole and Cadillac. Dinner at a local salad bar place was interesting but I think it was really a "had to be there" occasion. After dinner, we went to a local improv show and then went for ice cream. I had never seen improv live so I was very impressed.
In closing, I will review Ringo Starr's new CD, Liverpool 8. So far, I don't like it as well as his last album, Choose Love as far as lyrics go but there are some really good tunes on here. I'm curious to where this new partnership with Dave Stewart will go in the future...
Before I left to go up to keep my father and cat company in the absence of my mother who was at a church youth thing in TN, we watched the live action Alvin and the Chipmunks. Overall, it was a great film and throughout the movie they answered my "But what about this?" questions. (I'm still not sure why Simon could see with the random pair of glasses Dave gave him and not the pair Ian forced him to wear since neither pair was prescription but whatever...) I wanted more music as well.
When I heard that the Yankees were coming to town the weekend I was going up to see my father, I thought that was awesome timing. My team failed me. (I will discuss today's trade of Manny when I have all the facts...)
Sunday afternoon, we saw The Dark Knight. This movie totally rocked my socks. As you've already heard I'm sure, Heath Ledger was awesome as the Joker. Maggie Gyllenhaal added some class as the recast Rachel Dawes but why bother to recast if you're just going to kill her off anyway? Problems with Tom hanging around the set? I had no problem with Two Face being in the movie since it demonstrated an aspect of the Joker's character it really couldn't have otherwise, but I agree with those I've talked with that Joker could have carried the movie himself...
After a weird phone issue was solved, I arranged to spent Monday in Bar Harbor with J. Ray and Clay. I've said this before but probably a highlight of my vacation. We did touristy stuff such as go to Sand Beach, Thunder Hole and Cadillac. Dinner at a local salad bar place was interesting but I think it was really a "had to be there" occasion. After dinner, we went to a local improv show and then went for ice cream. I had never seen improv live so I was very impressed.
In closing, I will review Ringo Starr's new CD, Liverpool 8. So far, I don't like it as well as his last album, Choose Love as far as lyrics go but there are some really good tunes on here. I'm curious to where this new partnership with Dave Stewart will go in the future...