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Showing posts from August, 2008

Something to Blog About?

This past week gave me a few things to talk about so...Yay! My parents were down so Monday we went out to Applebee's. First off, when I ordered the Strawberry Mojito, I was carded. Am I now at the age I should be flattered by this or is it still an embarrassment? Second off, I don't know what was more annoying the fact I really didn't like it or the fact my mother knew I didn't like it. It wasn't the mojito itself I didn't like. It was the pieces of strawberry and seeds that kept coming up through the straw. I was thinking it would be strawberry flavor... I ordered riblets. One would think that riblets would be small. I still can't figure out the difference between those and actual ribs as they were huge. After dinner we went back to their motel to swim in the pool and sit in the hot tub. Actually, it was hot tubs plural. Because families were taking the last gasp of summer, the pool was crowded. You all know how I hate that. Anyway, we went back up to the r...

Living Up To The Title

I apologize to my readers who have been short changed on blog posts from me but there has really been nothing worth talking about. In the past, I filled this blog up with TV episode reviews. I basically did this because in grad school and, living at home with my parents, I really had no one to discuss what I was watching with. Moving in here with my cousin has given me someone to discuss this with so I don't feel the need to discuss it here. With that purpose gone, that leaves reviews of movies, books, and CDs. I have seen a movie in about a month. I can only read just so fast so I can't crank out book reviews. Reviews of CDs depend on artists I like putting them out as well as having the money to buy them. Living on my own, I obviously have more important expenses. I could discuss my job situation. Simply put, I enjoy my volunteer job considerably but except for a "developing development" that I can't discuss right now, this isn't likely to lead to anything...

Drama On Multiple Fronts

Literary Drama: Last night, I finished the Star Trek novel Uhura's Song by Janet Kagan. It was a very good book if drawn out a bit longer than it needed to be. There was one subplot of the mysterious new doctor that really was unnecessary in my opinion. I think it was included to give Spock more to do but I think he had enough to do as it was. The plot involved finding a cure for disease affecting a planet of felinoids. I'm a cat person as my readers should know so this book was right up my alley. As you might imagine, I was pleased that all of the crew played a part in the story with the exception of Sulu. The Spock subplot wouldn't have made sense with Sulu but it still doesn't seem fair... Family Drama: Yesterday afternoon I took bus out to my aunt's for a cookout. When I get there, I discover the reason my uncle, who doesn't live with my aunt, wasn't there was that he had a stroke! That obviously dominated the conversation and colored the mood. The ...