Literary Drama: Last night, I finished the Star Trek novel Uhura's Song by Janet Kagan. It was a very good book if drawn out a bit longer than it needed to be. There was one subplot of the mysterious new doctor that really was unnecessary in my opinion. I think it was included to give Spock more to do but I think he had enough to do as it was. The plot involved finding a cure for disease affecting a planet of felinoids. I'm a cat person as my readers should know so this book was right up my alley. As you might imagine, I was pleased that all of the crew played a part in the story with the exception of Sulu. The Spock subplot wouldn't have made sense with Sulu but it still doesn't seem fair...
Family Drama: Yesterday afternoon I took bus out to my aunt's for a cookout. When I get there, I discover the reason my uncle, who doesn't live with my aunt, wasn't there was that he had a stroke! That obviously dominated the conversation and colored the mood. The food, however, was delicious. The handicapped taxi was much later than expected so I worried I wouldn't have much time to get ready for my church job. As it was I still had to rush a bit.
Sports Drama: The trade of Manny overall hasn't adversely affected the Sox's offense and the bullpen still isn't great but losing Hansen hasn't hurt it as much as I thought it would. The acquisition of Paul Byrd is an interesting one. There is potential he'll pitch better than Buccholtz, which as my cousin pointed out, is not really saying much...
Dating Drama: I wasn't originally going to mention this but a little over a month or so ago, I had a date with a woman who lived here in the neighborhood that I had met online. We went to a moderately priced restaurant and I gave her a sunflower. I walked her home and gave her a hug which was very coordinated for me considering I had leftover pasta in one hand. Due to our schedules we didn't talk much for two weeks after. About three weeks ago I receive an email from her giving not one but all four of the classic dumping lines men get from women! You know the "It's not you, it's me." "I could use more friends." "I'm drawn to someone from my past" and the ever popular "You're a nice guy but..." lines. Honestly, we didn't have much in common (We both like to read. Woo!) and she kept a way too busy schedule for my tastes...
Family Drama: Yesterday afternoon I took bus out to my aunt's for a cookout. When I get there, I discover the reason my uncle, who doesn't live with my aunt, wasn't there was that he had a stroke! That obviously dominated the conversation and colored the mood. The food, however, was delicious. The handicapped taxi was much later than expected so I worried I wouldn't have much time to get ready for my church job. As it was I still had to rush a bit.
Sports Drama: The trade of Manny overall hasn't adversely affected the Sox's offense and the bullpen still isn't great but losing Hansen hasn't hurt it as much as I thought it would. The acquisition of Paul Byrd is an interesting one. There is potential he'll pitch better than Buccholtz, which as my cousin pointed out, is not really saying much...
Dating Drama: I wasn't originally going to mention this but a little over a month or so ago, I had a date with a woman who lived here in the neighborhood that I had met online. We went to a moderately priced restaurant and I gave her a sunflower. I walked her home and gave her a hug which was very coordinated for me considering I had leftover pasta in one hand. Due to our schedules we didn't talk much for two weeks after. About three weeks ago I receive an email from her giving not one but all four of the classic dumping lines men get from women! You know the "It's not you, it's me." "I could use more friends." "I'm drawn to someone from my past" and the ever popular "You're a nice guy but..." lines. Honestly, we didn't have much in common (We both like to read. Woo!) and she kept a way too busy schedule for my tastes...