This past week gave me a few things to talk about so...Yay!
My parents were down so Monday we went out to Applebee's. First off, when I ordered the Strawberry Mojito, I was carded. Am I now at the age I should be flattered by this or is it still an embarrassment? Second off, I don't know what was more annoying the fact I really didn't like it or the fact my mother knew I didn't like it. It wasn't the mojito itself I didn't like. It was the pieces of strawberry and seeds that kept coming up through the straw. I was thinking it would be strawberry flavor...
I ordered riblets. One would think that riblets would be small. I still can't figure out the difference between those and actual ribs as they were huge.
After dinner we went back to their motel to swim in the pool and sit in the hot tub. Actually, it was hot tubs plural. Because families were taking the last gasp of summer, the pool was crowded. You all know how I hate that.
Anyway, we went back up to the room and watched the DNC for awhile on PBS. I liked Caroline Kennedy's introduction to the Ted Kennedy tribute more than the actual tribute itself although it good to see old Ted up and around. The interview with Jimmy Carter was interesting as well.
Tuesday, we we joined by my aunt and cousin/roommate for lunch at a new cafe that opened downtown. The turkey panini was awesome.
Afterwards, my parents took me grocery shopping. Not that exciting but needed to be done.
After putting the food away, we went to my grandmother's for dinner. When we get there, she tells us my uncle has to go out and pick up his son and bring him home. I wanted to take the opportunity after dinner to escape but, no, we stayed. The second he was in the door, he dispensed with pleasantries and immediately asked if I wanted to watch him play video games. Unlike my other cousin, he actually lets me play but I still find it boring. Especially with Red Sox-Yankees on the tube...
In other news, John McCain's choice of Sara Palin is an interesting one. She was actually the choice I was hoping for he'd make since I knew him picking Joe Lieberman would not help him win over traditional conservatives. Yeah, she has less experience than even Obama but she's against corruption which I like and she's pro-life which I don't like but her base will. In itself, I don't like the fact she opposed putting polar bears on the endangered species list but I have to admit I like the fact she had the guts and conviction to try. At the risk if sounding too much like my grandfather, she certainly the most attractive candidate we've ever had... As you may have noticed on Twitter, I'm really amused by the names of her children: Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper and Trig. Most interesting names for vice presidential children since Nelson Rockefeller's son Rodman...
My parents were down so Monday we went out to Applebee's. First off, when I ordered the Strawberry Mojito, I was carded. Am I now at the age I should be flattered by this or is it still an embarrassment? Second off, I don't know what was more annoying the fact I really didn't like it or the fact my mother knew I didn't like it. It wasn't the mojito itself I didn't like. It was the pieces of strawberry and seeds that kept coming up through the straw. I was thinking it would be strawberry flavor...
I ordered riblets. One would think that riblets would be small. I still can't figure out the difference between those and actual ribs as they were huge.
After dinner we went back to their motel to swim in the pool and sit in the hot tub. Actually, it was hot tubs plural. Because families were taking the last gasp of summer, the pool was crowded. You all know how I hate that.
Anyway, we went back up to the room and watched the DNC for awhile on PBS. I liked Caroline Kennedy's introduction to the Ted Kennedy tribute more than the actual tribute itself although it good to see old Ted up and around. The interview with Jimmy Carter was interesting as well.
Tuesday, we we joined by my aunt and cousin/roommate for lunch at a new cafe that opened downtown. The turkey panini was awesome.
Afterwards, my parents took me grocery shopping. Not that exciting but needed to be done.
After putting the food away, we went to my grandmother's for dinner. When we get there, she tells us my uncle has to go out and pick up his son and bring him home. I wanted to take the opportunity after dinner to escape but, no, we stayed. The second he was in the door, he dispensed with pleasantries and immediately asked if I wanted to watch him play video games. Unlike my other cousin, he actually lets me play but I still find it boring. Especially with Red Sox-Yankees on the tube...
In other news, John McCain's choice of Sara Palin is an interesting one. She was actually the choice I was hoping for he'd make since I knew him picking Joe Lieberman would not help him win over traditional conservatives. Yeah, she has less experience than even Obama but she's against corruption which I like and she's pro-life which I don't like but her base will. In itself, I don't like the fact she opposed putting polar bears on the endangered species list but I have to admit I like the fact she had the guts and conviction to try. At the risk if sounding too much like my grandfather, she certainly the most attractive candidate we've ever had... As you may have noticed on Twitter, I'm really amused by the names of her children: Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper and Trig. Most interesting names for vice presidential children since Nelson Rockefeller's son Rodman...