Two "major events" have happened to me recently that I thought I'd share with you all and I'll throw in a couple reviews too because, well, why not?
On Labor Day, I was invited to the seminary's picnic up at Camp Mechawana which is the state's Methodist camp. Though apparently built about 10 years before, it reminded me a lot of Pilgrim Lodge the summer camp I went for many years as a child. There was a good group in attendance but few of us from the Portland campus. The food was good especially this red-skinned potato salad. I'm not sure what was special about it. (Maybe the mayonnaise?)
The second piece of news I wanted to share was that my first royalty check arrived in the mail and I've officially sold 10 copies of Winter Storm as of July 31st. I guess retailers have 90 days to give the publisher the money from sales so the actual number of sold copies is probably much greater...
I recently finished The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper. This is actually the second book in the series of the same name but reads much like a book one. I suppose this is due to it being written much later than Over Sea, Under Stone but it's kind of weird how that book seems like a prequel even though it was written first. The writing is a bit tighter here and, unlike the previous book, the storyline is easy to follow without "What was that?" moments I experienced and there was some complicated concepts to grasp with this one as it also had more fantasy elements to it which was good...
I wanted to finish this entry with my thoughts on The 4400 now we finished watching the final season. What was USA thinking canceling this show? Frankly ratings challenged parent NBC should have moved it to the network. I guess the two main reasons for it was slipping ratings which is typical with science fiction shows as we're all tech geeks with DVRs and Windows Media Centers and don't watch shows live (Actually, with this show I waited until the DVDs since I was never sure when it was on at first then just got into the habit.) The other reason was the impending writer's strike which also contributed to the deaths of a few other shows I liked from last season but that's a post for another time... There was no reason I wouldn't like this show as three members of Deep Space Nine's writing staff were involved at various times during the series. (Actually the other members really were part of Battlestar Galactica's staff which is odd when you think about it...) If you like shows as diverse as The X-files or Smallville, I think you'd like this show. They better do some kind of movie or something...
On Labor Day, I was invited to the seminary's picnic up at Camp Mechawana which is the state's Methodist camp. Though apparently built about 10 years before, it reminded me a lot of Pilgrim Lodge the summer camp I went for many years as a child. There was a good group in attendance but few of us from the Portland campus. The food was good especially this red-skinned potato salad. I'm not sure what was special about it. (Maybe the mayonnaise?)
The second piece of news I wanted to share was that my first royalty check arrived in the mail and I've officially sold 10 copies of Winter Storm as of July 31st. I guess retailers have 90 days to give the publisher the money from sales so the actual number of sold copies is probably much greater...
I recently finished The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper. This is actually the second book in the series of the same name but reads much like a book one. I suppose this is due to it being written much later than Over Sea, Under Stone but it's kind of weird how that book seems like a prequel even though it was written first. The writing is a bit tighter here and, unlike the previous book, the storyline is easy to follow without "What was that?" moments I experienced and there was some complicated concepts to grasp with this one as it also had more fantasy elements to it which was good...
I wanted to finish this entry with my thoughts on The 4400 now we finished watching the final season. What was USA thinking canceling this show? Frankly ratings challenged parent NBC should have moved it to the network. I guess the two main reasons for it was slipping ratings which is typical with science fiction shows as we're all tech geeks with DVRs and Windows Media Centers and don't watch shows live (Actually, with this show I waited until the DVDs since I was never sure when it was on at first then just got into the habit.) The other reason was the impending writer's strike which also contributed to the deaths of a few other shows I liked from last season but that's a post for another time... There was no reason I wouldn't like this show as three members of Deep Space Nine's writing staff were involved at various times during the series. (Actually the other members really were part of Battlestar Galactica's staff which is odd when you think about it...) If you like shows as diverse as The X-files or Smallville, I think you'd like this show. They better do some kind of movie or something...