I guess we'll start on Saturday. I had an alumni Homecoming celebration downtown. As usual, nobody from my class came but I was surprised as I entered that a friend from high school was there. It turns out that her sister is the director of Alumni Relations at my college. Somewhat weird I think although I didn't go that far way to college so that may explain it...
Sunday we were supposed to go out to eat with family as some of my aunts and uncles were going to be up but lunch was scheduled too early for us so my other aunt and I ended up getting our food to go before heading over to my grandparents. This turned out fine in the end.
We started a book group at my church that afternoon. I guess we'll be meeting monthly. I discuss the first book after I finish it which shouldn't be much longer.
Monday, my cousin/roommate, my aunt and I met my aunt and uncle who had been up visiting from Jersey. This went well until we got talking politics against my better judgment but what can you do?
Yesterday, I finished book 3 of The Dark is Rising: Greenwitch. As far as ranking the book, I'd place it second after The Dark is Rising but better than Over Sea, Under Stone. It was the shortest book to date and seemed more geared for kids for some reason. I don't think it makes sense to do that to individual books in a series as opposed to the series as a whole because it really isn't a stand alone story. Does this make sense?
The fall semester is up and running now at the seminary and I've already made new library card accounts for two patrons which is new. The sad thing is that, right now, I'm really it as far as help. We have one work study student but she's not the caliber of the one we had over the summer who had to quit when she couldn't juggle her class and two other jobs with it. Bottom line is that I have more to do but the same amount of recognition. Did I mention that the computer at my workstation, which I refer to as my office, crashed a week or so ago? And the handle on my mug broke, I think the same day!
Sunday we were supposed to go out to eat with family as some of my aunts and uncles were going to be up but lunch was scheduled too early for us so my other aunt and I ended up getting our food to go before heading over to my grandparents. This turned out fine in the end.
We started a book group at my church that afternoon. I guess we'll be meeting monthly. I discuss the first book after I finish it which shouldn't be much longer.
Monday, my cousin/roommate, my aunt and I met my aunt and uncle who had been up visiting from Jersey. This went well until we got talking politics against my better judgment but what can you do?
Yesterday, I finished book 3 of The Dark is Rising: Greenwitch. As far as ranking the book, I'd place it second after The Dark is Rising but better than Over Sea, Under Stone. It was the shortest book to date and seemed more geared for kids for some reason. I don't think it makes sense to do that to individual books in a series as opposed to the series as a whole because it really isn't a stand alone story. Does this make sense?
The fall semester is up and running now at the seminary and I've already made new library card accounts for two patrons which is new. The sad thing is that, right now, I'm really it as far as help. We have one work study student but she's not the caliber of the one we had over the summer who had to quit when she couldn't juggle her class and two other jobs with it. Bottom line is that I have more to do but the same amount of recognition. Did I mention that the computer at my workstation, which I refer to as my office, crashed a week or so ago? And the handle on my mug broke, I think the same day!