Tuesday, I was supposed to go to the dentist. I call for a taxi as I didn't want to risk being late on the bus. They said they'd send one right out. I wait outside and when the taxi arrived, the fun began. Another person in my building apparently called the exact same taxi company not 5 minutes before I did! I realize now that this confused them. It became too late for my appointment so I had too call and reschedule for next month. Hopefully, the penalty for a missed a appointment isn't too steep...
Wednesday night at work, I finished reading Death Star by Micheal Reeves and Steve Perry. The book was good all the way through but had no central plot until the last third in my opinion which was a downgrade. In that last third, we basically get a "Lower Decks" retelling of most of A New Hope. I did like how they were able to incorporate what we now know about Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin into it though...The question I now have is, if Millennium Falcon is written the same way, how is that not 1500 pages?
Went to dinner last night at my grandmother's. It was a good two minutes before my little cousin descended upon me so I thought I was safe but no. He had a new alien invasion game. At one point he asked me what "probing" meant. I debated whether to tell him and decided I might as well. I don't think he understood anyway... Keep in mind a frequent question of his is "Is this funny?" If you have to ask...
Wednesday night at work, I finished reading Death Star by Micheal Reeves and Steve Perry. The book was good all the way through but had no central plot until the last third in my opinion which was a downgrade. In that last third, we basically get a "Lower Decks" retelling of most of A New Hope. I did like how they were able to incorporate what we now know about Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin into it though...The question I now have is, if Millennium Falcon is written the same way, how is that not 1500 pages?
Went to dinner last night at my grandmother's. It was a good two minutes before my little cousin descended upon me so I thought I was safe but no. He had a new alien invasion game. At one point he asked me what "probing" meant. I debated whether to tell him and decided I might as well. I don't think he understood anyway... Keep in mind a frequent question of his is "Is this funny?" If you have to ask...