I've seen a lot of family recently. This has been good. Went with my parents to spend the Fourth visiting my father's, and my "upstairs aunt's" sister in New Hampshire. This was a nice change of pace. The weather wasn't too bad but it wasn't good swimming weather so boo to that! Now that he's 10, that little cousin is not the annoying little kid he used to be.
They themselves came here to Portland to visit my cousin this past Thursday and we went out to lunch. Nothing exciting happened.
Today, another mutual cousin and her husband, who have rented a house up near my parents, stopped here for lunch. It was good to see them as I don't think I really had since their wedding. Maybe...
Going to the dentist tomorrow. I'm not expecting terrible news; just the usual "floss more" stuff. I'm just not looking forward to it. Like haircuts, it must be done...
The weather has been nice finally after days upon days endless rain. Living in an apartment in the city, we really don't have a yard. It's days like this I just want to sit out with a book and a drink but that's not going to happen...
It's the All-Star Break. At this mid-point of the season, I really can't say there's currently any real glaring holes for the Red Sox. We'll know soon enough if Mike Lowell just can't recover. I still don't regret keeping him to start the season, however...The way I see the pitching situation is Smoltz, even with only one win, is pitching better than Dice-K was earlier this season so...Big Papi has recovered from his slump. And look! It coincided with the weather heating up! He and Manny have always been like that. I wasn't worried.
They themselves came here to Portland to visit my cousin this past Thursday and we went out to lunch. Nothing exciting happened.
Today, another mutual cousin and her husband, who have rented a house up near my parents, stopped here for lunch. It was good to see them as I don't think I really had since their wedding. Maybe...
Going to the dentist tomorrow. I'm not expecting terrible news; just the usual "floss more" stuff. I'm just not looking forward to it. Like haircuts, it must be done...
The weather has been nice finally after days upon days endless rain. Living in an apartment in the city, we really don't have a yard. It's days like this I just want to sit out with a book and a drink but that's not going to happen...
It's the All-Star Break. At this mid-point of the season, I really can't say there's currently any real glaring holes for the Red Sox. We'll know soon enough if Mike Lowell just can't recover. I still don't regret keeping him to start the season, however...The way I see the pitching situation is Smoltz, even with only one win, is pitching better than Dice-K was earlier this season so...Big Papi has recovered from his slump. And look! It coincided with the weather heating up! He and Manny have always been like that. I wasn't worried.