This wouldn't fit as my status on Facebook so here it is...
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Joshua is a sexy, masculine individual exuding the most desirable of traits. Although Joshua may be timid at first, his genuine and compassionate charm shine through above all things. He can be trusted with any secret and will always pull through even when the going gets tough. His understanding and supportive nature can put anyone at ease as he is never judgmental but rather always willing to listen with an open mind. He is the epitome of a true man.
My boyfriend is an absolute Joshua.
epitome sexy handsome masculine timid
Go to Type your first name into the search bar, and then post the FIRST entry about it. Copy, paste, share!
Joshua is a sexy, masculine individual exuding the most desirable of traits. Although Joshua may be timid at first, his genuine and compassionate charm shine through above all things. He can be trusted with any secret and will always pull through even when the going gets tough. His understanding and supportive nature can put anyone at ease as he is never judgmental but rather always willing to listen with an open mind. He is the epitome of a true man.
My boyfriend is an absolute Joshua.
epitome sexy handsome masculine timid