So I'm back in Portland. Still not 100% but I have the energy to do what I need to do. (Isn't that the slogan for "Powdermilk Biscuits?") I have nothing more to add to that. Questions? Fingers crossed that I get back on the hospital's free care program because this upcoming bill (Still paying off the April fun...) will be horrible even after my insurance pays their part...
Oh, Amos' self-cleaning litterbox finally bit the dust after the rake kept getting stuck and made noises like an MRI machine. (Machine gun for the non-medical among us). Guess who, while recovering from neurosurgery, had to take the outercasing off to convert it to a normal box?
Man of Steel devolved into non-stop action towards the end of the movie but I really can't say any of the action scenes were completely unnecessary. They made logical sense. They were just too long. Readers of fanboy rants know the issues they had with all the previous movies. Too much Luthor and not enough punching. Director Zach Snyder and writer David Goyer may have overcompensated with the latter.
So far no one has complained Laurence Fishburne (awesomely) played Perry White despite not being an old white dude and I've read very little complaints about Jimmy now being Jenny. Sadly, removing his tiny Y chromosome did not remove the lameness of the character as Perry and Reporter I Don't Care About have to rescue her.
Amy Adams was "Dana Delaney great" as Lois. One, she actually acts like a award-winning journalist for once and connects Clark to Superman (Hell, she even gives him the name...) and then really only needs him to rescue her once, maybe twice.
One thing I dislike about the original 1978 movie is that Marlon Brando appears for like 10 minutes as Jor-El and still top-lines Christopher Reeve who's actually playing the titular character. Russell Crowe's version is in much of the movie and still doesn't throw his star power around. (Oh and I loved the extended look of Krypton we were afforded at the beginning of the movie.)
Terrance Stamp played an awesome Zod back in the day but his wanting to kill the son because the father put him in jail? Whoop de doo. Michael Shannon's motives for fighting Kal-El are literally in his genes. You actually feel his, and Clark's, pain when he meets his fairly unavoidable fate.
The sequel has already been announced. Since you see Superman destroy a Army spy sattelite built by Wayne Enterprises in this movie. I'm guessing Batman won't be far behind. I can hear Kevin Conroy's voice saying "Do you make a habit of destroying other people's property?"
Lexcorp signage appeared twice. It was pointed out, and accurately so, Luthor would jump at the chance to point at the battle-wrecked Metropolis and turn people against Superman but that would be pretty much the plot of The Dark Knight. Especially after seeing the battle with the World Engine, I want Brainiac!
Oh, Amos' self-cleaning litterbox finally bit the dust after the rake kept getting stuck and made noises like an MRI machine. (Machine gun for the non-medical among us). Guess who, while recovering from neurosurgery, had to take the outercasing off to convert it to a normal box?
Man of Steel devolved into non-stop action towards the end of the movie but I really can't say any of the action scenes were completely unnecessary. They made logical sense. They were just too long. Readers of fanboy rants know the issues they had with all the previous movies. Too much Luthor and not enough punching. Director Zach Snyder and writer David Goyer may have overcompensated with the latter.
So far no one has complained Laurence Fishburne (awesomely) played Perry White despite not being an old white dude and I've read very little complaints about Jimmy now being Jenny. Sadly, removing his tiny Y chromosome did not remove the lameness of the character as Perry and Reporter I Don't Care About have to rescue her.
Amy Adams was "Dana Delaney great" as Lois. One, she actually acts like a award-winning journalist for once and connects Clark to Superman (Hell, she even gives him the name...) and then really only needs him to rescue her once, maybe twice.
One thing I dislike about the original 1978 movie is that Marlon Brando appears for like 10 minutes as Jor-El and still top-lines Christopher Reeve who's actually playing the titular character. Russell Crowe's version is in much of the movie and still doesn't throw his star power around. (Oh and I loved the extended look of Krypton we were afforded at the beginning of the movie.)
Terrance Stamp played an awesome Zod back in the day but his wanting to kill the son because the father put him in jail? Whoop de doo. Michael Shannon's motives for fighting Kal-El are literally in his genes. You actually feel his, and Clark's, pain when he meets his fairly unavoidable fate.
The sequel has already been announced. Since you see Superman destroy a Army spy sattelite built by Wayne Enterprises in this movie. I'm guessing Batman won't be far behind. I can hear Kevin Conroy's voice saying "Do you make a habit of destroying other people's property?"
Lexcorp signage appeared twice. It was pointed out, and accurately so, Luthor would jump at the chance to point at the battle-wrecked Metropolis and turn people against Superman but that would be pretty much the plot of The Dark Knight. Especially after seeing the battle with the World Engine, I want Brainiac!