I was looking forward to the new Captain America sequel coming out this weekend. I discover it wasn't listed on the website of my local theater or their phone listing. This has been happening more and more lately. Neither Green Lantern nor The Wolverine were shown. (Man of Steel must have been and I wasn't in town for Ironman 3 or Thor: The Dark World.) For years now, they've been the "art house" theater of the Portland area. (Which I think is stupid but whatever...) Currently, they're showing the Grand Budapest Hotel on 2 screens (TWO screens!) and will be showing 2 parts of Nymphomaniac. Who the hell wants to watch a sex movie with Shia Lebouf? What kills me is this theater is situated between 2 comicbook shops! (TWO!) Because I don't drive, and because the theater in Falmouth which was directly on the busline is no more, the best option is to take the bus to So. Portland, get off at the grocery store and then walk from there. Coordinating both movie times and the bus schedule (and keep in mind, I'd have to walk downtown to get the bus meaning more coordination...) makes my head hurt just to think about...
Anyway, I did end up watching to 2 movies this past weekend. Saturday morning, I finally watched The Wolverine on DVD. I guess you could say I watched a movie with a HYDRA agent afterall... (Actually, I doubt Viper WAS part of that organization here since Fox wouldn't have the rights to the name...) Um....Anyway, this is movie was very well done and probably my second favorite X-Men movie after First Class. (Oh, I saw a poster of the sequel to that at the theater. We'll see if they show it...) Logan dealing with being, basically, an immortal in a world of mortals was quite a deep subject for a comicbook movie.
My one quibble and no one should be surprised this bothers me. This movie is set after the horrible X-Men: The Last Stand. (My typing fingers wanted to call it "The Last Satan"...) storywise makes sense except, in the comic Logan's vist to Japan happens a long time ago. In both versions, he mets a woman named Yuriko. Thankfully, he doesn't necessarily spurn her advances as he does in the comic because her "future alter ego" of Lady Deathstrike was already introduced in X2: X-Men United...
Though there has been talk of The Wolverine 2, no one has mentioned my plot idea. There can be a direct-ish sequel. In this movie, Logan fights the Silver Samurai (and Viper). The second person to take up that mantle is Shinobi Shaw; the son of Sebastian Shaw who was played by Kevin Bacon in First Class...
That afternoon, I still wanted to see a movie at the theater so I walked down and saw Noah. It was great. It has gotten complaints from some Christian groups that it isn't "biblically-literal" enough. Yes, in this there are fallen angels called Watchers who were turned to rock creatures when they offered to help the exiled Adam and Eve and therefore pissed off The Creator but God was an ass in several places of the Hebrew scripture so this didn't bother me.
What did bother me was the end. I understand the drama of staggering the ages of Noah's three sons but how do you bring the human race back when the only women left are Noah's wife and Shem's wife and daughters? When I told him about it, my father referenced The Beans of Egypt Maine...
Anyway, I did end up watching to 2 movies this past weekend. Saturday morning, I finally watched The Wolverine on DVD. I guess you could say I watched a movie with a HYDRA agent afterall... (Actually, I doubt Viper WAS part of that organization here since Fox wouldn't have the rights to the name...) Um....Anyway, this is movie was very well done and probably my second favorite X-Men movie after First Class. (Oh, I saw a poster of the sequel to that at the theater. We'll see if they show it...) Logan dealing with being, basically, an immortal in a world of mortals was quite a deep subject for a comicbook movie.
My one quibble and no one should be surprised this bothers me. This movie is set after the horrible X-Men: The Last Stand. (My typing fingers wanted to call it "The Last Satan"...) storywise makes sense except, in the comic Logan's vist to Japan happens a long time ago. In both versions, he mets a woman named Yuriko. Thankfully, he doesn't necessarily spurn her advances as he does in the comic because her "future alter ego" of Lady Deathstrike was already introduced in X2: X-Men United...
Though there has been talk of The Wolverine 2, no one has mentioned my plot idea. There can be a direct-ish sequel. In this movie, Logan fights the Silver Samurai (and Viper). The second person to take up that mantle is Shinobi Shaw; the son of Sebastian Shaw who was played by Kevin Bacon in First Class...
That afternoon, I still wanted to see a movie at the theater so I walked down and saw Noah. It was great. It has gotten complaints from some Christian groups that it isn't "biblically-literal" enough. Yes, in this there are fallen angels called Watchers who were turned to rock creatures when they offered to help the exiled Adam and Eve and therefore pissed off The Creator but God was an ass in several places of the Hebrew scripture so this didn't bother me.
What did bother me was the end. I understand the drama of staggering the ages of Noah's three sons but how do you bring the human race back when the only women left are Noah's wife and Shem's wife and daughters? When I told him about it, my father referenced The Beans of Egypt Maine...