This entire post is commentary on the following article: "10 DC Superhero Team-Ups We’d Like to See After Batman V Superman & Green Lantern/The Flash" You've been warned. 10. "Fish Out of Water" jokes aside, awesome idea. In fact, the similarity of Ben Affleck to Jason Mamoa's Stargate: Atlantis co-star Joe Flanigan (Or vice versa? Whatever...) makes this an even more interesting proposition. Hell, they could make a live action movie of the Batman: Brave and the Bold with Black Manta using Aquaman's jealous brother to destroy Atlantis. I'd watch... 9. I'm not feeling this one. If there are more variations on any characters in the DC Universe than these two, I'm unaware of them. The most well-known versions, are mob daughter Helena Bertinelli and Power Girl isn't an alternate universe Supergirl but her clone. "Batman and Catwoman had a daughter?" Well, yes, and no... A live action version of this would make as much s...
Whatever opinions or views I wish to share, now including my new life in the great state of Maine, will appear here. Lucky You...