This entire post is commentary on the following article: "10 DC Superhero Team-Ups We’d Like to See After Batman V Superman & Green Lantern/The Flash" You've been warned.
10. "Fish Out of Water" jokes aside, awesome idea. In fact, the similarity of Ben Affleck to Jason Mamoa's Stargate: Atlantis co-star Joe Flanigan (Or vice versa? Whatever...) makes this an even more interesting proposition. Hell, they could make a live action movie of the Batman: Brave and the Bold with Black Manta using Aquaman's jealous brother to destroy Atlantis. I'd watch...
9. I'm not feeling this one. If there are more variations on any characters in the DC Universe than these two, I'm unaware of them. The most well-known versions, are mob daughter Helena Bertinelli and Power Girl isn't an alternate universe Supergirl but her clone. "Batman and Catwoman had a daughter?" Well, yes, and no... A live action version of this would make as much sense as Canadian science fiction...
8. Love this! Viewers of the Justice League cartoon can see this. To give you a taste, I recommend the fan fic story "A Cold Reception in Central City" which as you might remember was written by me. Also watch the episodes "Brave and the Bold," "Maid of Honor" and "This Little Piggy." Need more proof? A "shipper video" not created by me:
7. Not gonna happen. Also, Miguel Ferrer played Martian Manhunter at least once. Implying only African Americans have a deep enough voice is kind of racist...
6. I like this idea although when did Green Arrow become a bigger DC hero than Hawkman?
5. This is a fantastic idea. Anyone who has seen Man of Steel knows this version of Superman is not the "Boy Scout" he used to be so the difference between these two characters is different than even in the Justice League cartoon:
4. This is analogous to a Black Widow/Hawkeye movie. Would I watch it? Probably. Would general audiences? Doubt it.
3. Too obvious...
2. Not as interesting as a Batman/Wonder Woman movie. In that scenario, you're replacing Superman with Wonder Woman. Here you have two super-strong people kicking ass. Sure, it would be enjoyable but what's actual target the audience? Women who like Michael Bay movies?
1. This does not count as a team-up. Batman and Robin go together like ham and cheese or bacon and eggs. Personally, I'd rather see a Batman/Batgirl movie anyway. If they ever did add a sidekick to the Nolan-verse, I thought it would be awesome for Ellen Page to show up as Barbara. This is not as interesting to me with Ben Affleck but maybe Emma Watson instead? (Daniel Radcliffe reportedly wanting to be Robin did not cross my mind until about a second after...)
10. "Fish Out of Water" jokes aside, awesome idea. In fact, the similarity of Ben Affleck to Jason Mamoa's Stargate: Atlantis co-star Joe Flanigan (Or vice versa? Whatever...) makes this an even more interesting proposition. Hell, they could make a live action movie of the Batman: Brave and the Bold with Black Manta using Aquaman's jealous brother to destroy Atlantis. I'd watch...
9. I'm not feeling this one. If there are more variations on any characters in the DC Universe than these two, I'm unaware of them. The most well-known versions, are mob daughter Helena Bertinelli and Power Girl isn't an alternate universe Supergirl but her clone. "Batman and Catwoman had a daughter?" Well, yes, and no... A live action version of this would make as much sense as Canadian science fiction...
8. Love this! Viewers of the Justice League cartoon can see this. To give you a taste, I recommend the fan fic story "A Cold Reception in Central City" which as you might remember was written by me. Also watch the episodes "Brave and the Bold," "Maid of Honor" and "This Little Piggy." Need more proof? A "shipper video" not created by me:
7. Not gonna happen. Also, Miguel Ferrer played Martian Manhunter at least once. Implying only African Americans have a deep enough voice is kind of racist...
6. I like this idea although when did Green Arrow become a bigger DC hero than Hawkman?
5. This is a fantastic idea. Anyone who has seen Man of Steel knows this version of Superman is not the "Boy Scout" he used to be so the difference between these two characters is different than even in the Justice League cartoon:
4. This is analogous to a Black Widow/Hawkeye movie. Would I watch it? Probably. Would general audiences? Doubt it.
3. Too obvious...
2. Not as interesting as a Batman/Wonder Woman movie. In that scenario, you're replacing Superman with Wonder Woman. Here you have two super-strong people kicking ass. Sure, it would be enjoyable but what's actual target the audience? Women who like Michael Bay movies?
1. This does not count as a team-up. Batman and Robin go together like ham and cheese or bacon and eggs. Personally, I'd rather see a Batman/Batgirl movie anyway. If they ever did add a sidekick to the Nolan-verse, I thought it would be awesome for Ellen Page to show up as Barbara. This is not as interesting to me with Ben Affleck but maybe Emma Watson instead? (Daniel Radcliffe reportedly wanting to be Robin did not cross my mind until about a second after...)