Finally a new episode of Enterprise. Overall, the episode was good, I guess. We finally find out why T'Pol has been acting so emotional lately. Perhaps that's why the earlier Vulcan expedition into the Expanse went wrong. Could they have been experimenting with Trellium D in an effort to experience emotions as well? While it might have been nice to resolve the issues brought up during part one of this, I suppose it's good they are continuing it throughout the rest of the season. While the main plot was certainly original I don't think I like the implications. Attacking a ship to steal a warp coil is not how Star Trek should go. This is a Babylon 5 plot. Archer kept justifying it by saying they really need the warp coil. No, they didn't. They are already are in Xindi space near the weapon. They don't need warp any time soon and can wait for someone else to come along to help them. I know this is a hundred and 10 years before the Original Series but this still seems out of character or whatever. In the Deep Space Nine episode "Only a Paper Moon," Sisko stood by while Garak, a rather unscrupulous Cardassian, killed a Romulan Senator to get the Romulans to join the Dominion War. War does force you to make hard decisions but this seemed to go too far....
Third Eye Blind performed at a Earth Day celebration and a light tower or something fell on people. One of the local news anchors referred to them as "Third Blind Eye." The band, admittedly, is not that good but news organizations should be better informed...
Almost finished with my paper due tomorrow. I think it's pretty good, or at least will be by tomorrow, and my movie database is shaping up well. Things are going well, maybe too well...
Third Eye Blind performed at a Earth Day celebration and a light tower or something fell on people. One of the local news anchors referred to them as "Third Blind Eye." The band, admittedly, is not that good but news organizations should be better informed...
Almost finished with my paper due tomorrow. I think it's pretty good, or at least will be by tomorrow, and my movie database is shaping up well. Things are going well, maybe too well...