Enterprise was a repeat last night but I had missed it the first time. Because of this, some of my comments may be a little strange. I actually thought the episode was pretty good. Introducing the sphere building aliens the way the did was very well done. It revealed just enough without revealing too much. (The next new episode will do that nicely and at a better time in the storyline.) I know I've said this twice, but I want there to be a story that deals with The T'Pol -Trip-Archer love triangle. Two comments about the events last night: after Trip and T'Pol "explore human sexuality" what happened to Trip's MACO chick? And can I use that "exploring human sexuality" line to save face the next time I do that stupid e-mail thing as you all know I will? Some may argue that T'Pol was not acting Vulcan. My response is that if we use her excuse about the scientific experiment, well, that answers that. If we don't, as you shouldn't, then let's just remember Sarek couldn't have acted Vulcanlike when he wooed Amanda unless she's one messed up chick... Finally, a confrontation between Hayes and Malcolm. They had been saying all season it would happen and it took them weeks, if not months, to do it. It would have been nice for more build-up before it came to a head but I suppose we should be thankful they dealt with it at all.
UCONN wasted the riot after the men's game. So after the women won and history had been set, security was ready for it. I know the men haven't one a championship since 1999 but they should have believed that the women would win and waited and then get the party really started. No school had ever dominated both championships and God knows when or if it'll ever happen again. Once again, an example of college students not using their head.
Rebecca DeMornay has joined the cast of the still untitled Spader/Shatner show. This means that ABC will have to sink a lot of money into the show making it more scrutinized than ever. One measly excuse and the plug will be pulled. I realize that none pull down Julia Roberts/Tom Cruise dollars but they are bonafide movie stars nonetheless and it won't be cheap to pay them. Good thing they don't have to have a special effects budget...

You Know What?
What Random Object From Ydoc Nameloc's Room Are You?
UCONN wasted the riot after the men's game. So after the women won and history had been set, security was ready for it. I know the men haven't one a championship since 1999 but they should have believed that the women would win and waited and then get the party really started. No school had ever dominated both championships and God knows when or if it'll ever happen again. Once again, an example of college students not using their head.
Rebecca DeMornay has joined the cast of the still untitled Spader/Shatner show. This means that ABC will have to sink a lot of money into the show making it more scrutinized than ever. One measly excuse and the plug will be pulled. I realize that none pull down Julia Roberts/Tom Cruise dollars but they are bonafide movie stars nonetheless and it won't be cheap to pay them. Good thing they don't have to have a special effects budget...

You Know What?
What Random Object From Ydoc Nameloc's Room Are You?