Sooner or later Lady Vader will ask what I thought of Charmed so I'm taking time out to tell you and what I thought of Alias as well.
Charmed had it's good points and bad points. As clip shows go, it had a good story but how they thought no one would notice no Prue clips I'll never know... I honestly didn't see that Barbas, who isn't my favorite demon but seemed to work here, set the whole thing up. I figured it was just horrible luck on the part of the sisters. Well done. With Piper out of commission, Phoebe having her powers taken away gives us some good story potential. Paige is left to fight evil by herself. Paige has gotten the shaft lately and this might give her the chance to shine. Now the bad. The episode was understandably Piper-lite. I hate Piper-lite episodes! Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum, I'm not saying which is which, can't carry an episode by themselves. Chris is really getting on my nerves. He better not be on the show next season unless Leo spanks the shit out of the brat. Now, realistically, there isn't time left in the season to resolve this conflict but you know they will anyway: "I love you Dad!"
I mentioned this already to Deuce but I was just beginning to tolerate Sloane and he pulls that stunt kidnapping his own daughter just so he can know Rambaldi's "endgame." Well done writing on that. Ah the return of Thomas Brill, a bad motherf...What? I'm just talking about Shaft! (You can't imagine how long I've wanted to type that!) Vaughn's (The spell check thought I wanted to say "vagina's") father helped Nadia escape the KGB and that's how Irina ended up killing him? It makes so much sense yet complicates things in a way only this show can. Again, well done! So Lauren's cover is blown for good; I wonder what will happen now with her. Deuce was amused that Nadia was from Argentine intelligence. I say, why not? Didn't several Nazis escape down there after the War?
So today I get an order form for graduate pictures. Thankfully, there will still be time to order them after my parents get back from Korea. I wouldn't bother at all but my mother cares about crap like this and the fam might want some. I don't want to make that choice myself.
Charmed had it's good points and bad points. As clip shows go, it had a good story but how they thought no one would notice no Prue clips I'll never know... I honestly didn't see that Barbas, who isn't my favorite demon but seemed to work here, set the whole thing up. I figured it was just horrible luck on the part of the sisters. Well done. With Piper out of commission, Phoebe having her powers taken away gives us some good story potential. Paige is left to fight evil by herself. Paige has gotten the shaft lately and this might give her the chance to shine. Now the bad. The episode was understandably Piper-lite. I hate Piper-lite episodes! Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum, I'm not saying which is which, can't carry an episode by themselves. Chris is really getting on my nerves. He better not be on the show next season unless Leo spanks the shit out of the brat. Now, realistically, there isn't time left in the season to resolve this conflict but you know they will anyway: "I love you Dad!"
I mentioned this already to Deuce but I was just beginning to tolerate Sloane and he pulls that stunt kidnapping his own daughter just so he can know Rambaldi's "endgame." Well done writing on that. Ah the return of Thomas Brill, a bad motherf...What? I'm just talking about Shaft! (You can't imagine how long I've wanted to type that!) Vaughn's (The spell check thought I wanted to say "vagina's") father helped Nadia escape the KGB and that's how Irina ended up killing him? It makes so much sense yet complicates things in a way only this show can. Again, well done! So Lauren's cover is blown for good; I wonder what will happen now with her. Deuce was amused that Nadia was from Argentine intelligence. I say, why not? Didn't several Nazis escape down there after the War?
So today I get an order form for graduate pictures. Thankfully, there will still be time to order them after my parents get back from Korea. I wouldn't bother at all but my mother cares about crap like this and the fam might want some. I don't want to make that choice myself.