Lady Vader was right. I did some research using the company's website and they are indeed commission based. I too got a call like that I think way back when I graduated college. I went for the interview that time and forgot my resume! At the time I was still new to the job searching thing so I didn't know at the time it wasn't for me. Now, I do so I'm back to square one. Oh well...
Did you see the TV section of the Hartford Courant a week ago Sunday and it's Charmed cover? OK, the cover was one thing. I'm pretty sure Kaley is over 18 but I still feel like a dirty old man anyway. Inside the cover, does Alyssa look especially whore-ish or is that just me?
OK, so I was all right with Alan Embree going to the Yankees but I know Mark Bellhorn signing with them will bite the Sox in the ass. He did go 0-fer last night but when the Yanks and Sox meet up again, it could be a major problem.
Did you see the TV section of the Hartford Courant a week ago Sunday and it's Charmed cover? OK, the cover was one thing. I'm pretty sure Kaley is over 18 but I still feel like a dirty old man anyway. Inside the cover, does Alyssa look especially whore-ish or is that just me?
OK, so I was all right with Alan Embree going to the Yankees but I know Mark Bellhorn signing with them will bite the Sox in the ass. He did go 0-fer last night but when the Yanks and Sox meet up again, it could be a major problem.
They moved "The West Wing" to, get this, 8 pm on Sundays. Wasn't that just lovely of them? *grumbles*