Yesterday morning, we had a new couch delivered. It's red striped and cushy. It isn't a sleeper like the old one so the delivery guy moved it around very easily. Surprisingly, even with the door wide open our cat didn't escape. Going back to discuss the old couch a bit more, the town picked it up this morning and you could hear them grinding it outside my window from like 7 to 7:30 this morning...
In the last two weeks I took two employment tests. The first one, held a week ago last Thursday in a town that has the same name as Cupcake's, I did horribly on. I don't know if it was the heat, the fact it was held around dinner time or that I'm just an idiot or a combination of things but I was well below the minimum score of 70 for my application to be considered further which is all right, I understand they have to have some kind of cut off. There were a lot of people applying.
On Thursday, I took the second one in Lady Vader's current town. I did so much better in fact that my score was about double the previous score. To narrow down the field only those applicants with some library experience were invited to take the test making only ten of us. Yesterday, I got my results back and was told my score wasn't high enough to continue. Hey, again, I'd understand if I completely bombed the test but here's the thing: I didn't! My score was 85.33! That's like a B/B+! I could understand them setting a ridiculously high mark if there was more than twenty applicants but there were only ten!!! I found it amusing that my score and information will be kept on record for 6 months. I can't imagine what job they'd feel I was qualified for if not this one but I guess there may be something...
In the last two weeks I took two employment tests. The first one, held a week ago last Thursday in a town that has the same name as Cupcake's, I did horribly on. I don't know if it was the heat, the fact it was held around dinner time or that I'm just an idiot or a combination of things but I was well below the minimum score of 70 for my application to be considered further which is all right, I understand they have to have some kind of cut off. There were a lot of people applying.
On Thursday, I took the second one in Lady Vader's current town. I did so much better in fact that my score was about double the previous score. To narrow down the field only those applicants with some library experience were invited to take the test making only ten of us. Yesterday, I got my results back and was told my score wasn't high enough to continue. Hey, again, I'd understand if I completely bombed the test but here's the thing: I didn't! My score was 85.33! That's like a B/B+! I could understand them setting a ridiculously high mark if there was more than twenty applicants but there were only ten!!! I found it amusing that my score and information will be kept on record for 6 months. I can't imagine what job they'd feel I was qualified for if not this one but I guess there may be something...
Anyway, sorry you didn't get the jobs.