I am sorely tempted to do just that. I don't think my life has ever gone this badly. For one, and I've already discussed this at great length, for the second time, I choose a career and it leads nowhere. (Ok, third if you count wanting to be a superhero in elementary school. If they gave me claws when the fused my spine in 8th grade there may have been a shot there but no...)
I'm not counting my dream of becoming a novelist even though I haven't be able to write a damn sentence since my cat died late last year. (Bessy was clearly my "mews." There was a brief time of enlightenment during my infatuation with Heather but that was fleeting at best.) Someday that could still happen.
No, today I want to discuss my lack of a love life. This recent crop of matches at eHarmony seem to check their e-mail about as regularly as I do laundry. (Ok I suppose they could check it more regularly than that and just read a couple at a time but that's still weird.)
The two deal-breaking issues that crop up the most doesn't include my interests in things like science fiction or the Red Sox which could be changed if I really wanted to, which I don't, but instead they are two things I can't change.
Issue one: I don't drive due to medical reasons. In the two instances where this came to be a problem recently, they lived a long way away and I'm sure they wouldn't want do all the driving themselves but it still hurts a bit. (I should clarify one closed the match while other merely put it "on hold" but this was after the issue below was revealed so I'm not holding my breath.)
Issue two: Even advances in medical science can't change this problem. It's the fact my parents are ministers. Why are people our age against or turned off by church, or in some cases by religion in general? And anyway, what my parents do really has no bearing on my life now aside from the fact I currently live with them. (That statement is hard for me to say clearly so I suppose I can understand why it's hard for others to figure out.) In college, and in high school I guess, when I'd swear or drink people would be like "Your father's a minister!" and I'd be like "Yeah. What's your point?" People think that if my parents preach the Word of God, I must be some holier than thou person but, honestly, people who feel they are such themselves really piss me off and my parents for that matter...
Too bad life isn't like a Jane Austen novel were the son of the vicar was "The Catch" but, since it isn't, I'm seriously considering packin' it in because I can't win.
I'm not counting my dream of becoming a novelist even though I haven't be able to write a damn sentence since my cat died late last year. (Bessy was clearly my "mews." There was a brief time of enlightenment during my infatuation with Heather but that was fleeting at best.) Someday that could still happen.
No, today I want to discuss my lack of a love life. This recent crop of matches at eHarmony seem to check their e-mail about as regularly as I do laundry. (Ok I suppose they could check it more regularly than that and just read a couple at a time but that's still weird.)
The two deal-breaking issues that crop up the most doesn't include my interests in things like science fiction or the Red Sox which could be changed if I really wanted to, which I don't, but instead they are two things I can't change.
Issue one: I don't drive due to medical reasons. In the two instances where this came to be a problem recently, they lived a long way away and I'm sure they wouldn't want do all the driving themselves but it still hurts a bit. (I should clarify one closed the match while other merely put it "on hold" but this was after the issue below was revealed so I'm not holding my breath.)
Issue two: Even advances in medical science can't change this problem. It's the fact my parents are ministers. Why are people our age against or turned off by church, or in some cases by religion in general? And anyway, what my parents do really has no bearing on my life now aside from the fact I currently live with them. (That statement is hard for me to say clearly so I suppose I can understand why it's hard for others to figure out.) In college, and in high school I guess, when I'd swear or drink people would be like "Your father's a minister!" and I'd be like "Yeah. What's your point?" People think that if my parents preach the Word of God, I must be some holier than thou person but, honestly, people who feel they are such themselves really piss me off and my parents for that matter...
Too bad life isn't like a Jane Austen novel were the son of the vicar was "The Catch" but, since it isn't, I'm seriously considering packin' it in because I can't win.