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Showing posts from December, 2005

The Final Countdown

Though the night is still young, we have begun the New Year's celebration. This morning, we had a delicious breakfast of eggs and little cheese smokies left over from Christmas then not longer after prepared to see the UConn woman play in Hartford. The game against Army wasn't as bad as the blowout that was the UConn men's game we went to recently against Moorehead State at Storrs, my first time up there. Both games had the band playing "The Final Countdown" by Europe. I am not kidding. That has to be one of the worst songs ever and VH-1 agrees with me. For the game today, my mother almost fixed me up with a lesbian... I think that was the first time I've been back to the CC since I worked there. I saw many people I knew still working there but only remembered the names of a handful which probably shows you how much I loved that job... It was kind of weird directing my father to different places. Tonight, we tried out the new Texas Roadhouse restaurant. Surpri...

The Title Is Always The Hardest Part

I'm not sure where to begin since I have a jumble of things to say. I think it was either Christmas morning or the morning of Christmas Eve that I finished reading Prince Caspian, Book 2 of The Chronicles of Narnia . The edition I read was almost as old as I am so the binding is coming loose. I had read the book, or at least had it read to me, decades ago but I was inspired to read it now. It's not as good as the first book but second books never seem to be, do they? I think, given how the book is set up, it'll be much better in movie form. The night before last, my parents and I watched The Lady and the Highwayman which my mother received as a gift from my aunt and was billed as one of Hugh Grants earliest appearances. It supposedly came out in 1989 but has a real seventies feel to it. It also seemed it was originally made for TV which, you can see, it was. And now for the "hard" news: My Yahoo account was apparently shut down without much warning. I remember ge...

Holiday Wrap-Up 2005

I agreed to help my mother with her church's Christmas pageant so I actually went to two services on Christmas Eve and then one on Christmas morning, of course. I heard from my mother that She'd be at the second service so I made her a card and gave it to her in person. She was obviously surprised but I figure it was only a card so what's the big deal? I was going to ask her if she wanted to do something for New Year's but I just can't figure out how it would work since I don't drive so I didn't bother. Presents this year basically fell into three categories: clothes, DVDs and food. I received the first season of Battlestar Galactica (new series), Revenge of the Sith and some obscure Westerns from my aunt. In the food category, my mother made me homemade peanut butter cups and my father bought me a bottle of Pennsylvania Dutch Egg Nog which had brandy, rum and whiskey in it. Damn that was good! I also got Wildflower , Sheryl Crow's latest CD....

Anyway-Paul McCartney

If you love me, won't you call me? I've been waiting; waiting too long. In my soul is constant yearning, Always singing; singing this song. Only love is strong enough to take it on the chin; When did I begin to fall? Anyway, anyway, you can make that call. You feel free to make yourself at home. Aaaaaah; Ooooh. If we could be closer longer, that would help me; Help me so much. We can cure each others' sorrow. Won't you please, please, please get in touch? If a love is strong enough it may never end. Why would I pretend to fall? Wooooh. Any way, any way, any way at all Any way that you can, make that call!

Nuns in the Sun

Is it because of the success of The March of the Penguins that nuns are so popular right now? Ok, bad joke but I'm serious. Tonight on PBS is a special on The Cheese Nun which I doubt will be as good as a Sister Wendy special but I'll probably watch it anyway since the donkeyholes at ABC took off my Boston Legal. While Christmas shopping last week, I saw a calendar I think was titled "Nuns Having Fun;" the cover had nuns frolicking at the beach. I am not making this up. In addition, it, coincidently, was paleontologist Richard Leakey's birthday yesterday which reminded me of my Science Concepts class at St. Joe's with Sister Eunice and the day she said, "Richard Leakey was in a plane crash and lost two of his legs !" I still don't know how many he had... This quiz result may actually make sense if we make it a given cats are of this religion as has been postulated: Buddhist Holy Crap! You're taking -5 souls with you to hell! -20 to 10 On t...

It's All Over But The Crying- Garbage

Everything you think you know baby Is wrong And everything you think you had baby Is gone Certain things turn ugly when you think too hard And nagging little thoughts change into things you can't turn off Everything you think you know baby Is wrong It's all over but the crying Fade to black I'm sick of trying Took too much and now I'm done It's all over but the crying Do you really think I'm made of stone baby? C'mon! That we only love the things we own? Baby you're wrong Certain things just happen when you make no plans And love can really tear you up and it can break you down Everything you think you know baby Is wrong It's all over but the crying Fade to black I'm sick of trying Took too much and now I'm done It's all over but the crying Baby we're done If I could I would I'd change everything Cause I can't forget you though you don't believe me Now I can't walk back I can't leave behind Where does it go all the...

Probably A Couple Things

We went to the "scene of the date" for the first time since last night and saw The Family Stone . I was expecting a typical chick flick, which my readers know I like, but this was a true family film as in about a family. It was very emotional. I don't come from a large immeadiate family but I'm pretty sure I don't want to bring a date home. (True, the woman mentioned above already knows my mother...) Not only was it about a family it was a "blue state family" meaning very liberal which we are but many are not judging by the numbers Narnia raked in. I'll be interested to see how it does. Amy, the youngest daughter played by Rachel McAdams, arrived home carrying an NPR bag and looking very much like a library science student which means nothing perhaps but it certainly intrigued me. As you might suspect, I'm starting to really miss her. I haven't heard from a few other POIs either but she's the one I miss. Something to be said for f...

Review and Rant, Holiday Edition

I meant to discuss this a couple days ago but I forgot then I just wasn't in the mood to post yesterday so here it is: I just recently finished reading Star Trek: Titan: The Red King . This was basically part two of the "pilot" if you will, introducing us to the crew and what not but also had a separate plot from Taking Wing . You didn't really need to read that previous book but I know I'd be left with like a hundred questions if I didn't. I really don't like how Trek books aren't stand alone any more. A prime example: Riker's first officer was apparently introduced in a previous book that I didn't read and really have no interest in reading and if I didn't read it I'm pretty sure no one else did. I have other problems with the crew. I think it's great that Alyssa Ogawa, also late of the Enterprise, is part of the crew but why is she still a nurse? Shouldn't she be doctor? The Enterprise is the flagship so transferring off of ...

Holiday Mish Mash

So there's nothing wrong with the brakes. Apparently, that's normal for anti-lock brakes to not lock. Who knew? We went Christmas shopping at the mall last night. I think I'm done since I'd imagine I'm out of money. I will also mention it seemed really easy to find gifts this year for some reason. Perhaps unlike the last one, this quiz result is much more accurate. I actually predicted I'd get this answer... You Are Blitzen Always in good spirits, you're the reindeer who loves to party down with Santa. Why You're Naughty: You're always blitzed on Christmas Eve, while flying! Why You're Nice: You mix up a mean eggnog martini. Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You?

My Relatively Busy Weekend

No, my aunt will not have her surgery so, despite the suggestion by my cousin that I come up anyway, I'm still here in CT. No, my reasons were not in fact including the one I mentioned earlier but perhaps the overly optimistic chance something employment-wise will happen, I haven't even started my Christmas shopping, there could be something wrong with the brakes of one of the cars and frankly, I'm tired. No, I haven't heard from the two matches I referred to in awhile but another match I had thought was gone for good contacted me today so...I don't know. I'm just saying... More eventful things did actually occur, however. On Friday, I helped my mother with a "Parents Night Out" child care thing at her church. I was The Bank during a game of Cat-in-the-Hat-opoly and I pressed play on The Polar Express , which was very boring actually, and I also met the returning parents at the door. They didn't need me really and I was told I'd be paid whic...

My Smile

Cute Smile You scored 107 smilyness! Not good enough to be a celebrity but your smile is sooooo cute. Like the picture everyone thinks you are adorable, you need to show your smile a little more don't be affraid to, its a cracker of a smile. The what kind of a smile you have Test written by Pen_Boeth on Ok Cupid , home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Oh, What A...Morning.

Before I begin, I would just like to say that it takes real friends to completely ignore my questions and problem even when I so graciously help with their lame ass problems such as whether or not to monogram a g-d bag. I thank you so much. This morning, I had what was refered to as a "phone screening" with a woman from a "prestigious law firm" in Boston. I think it went well and may I say that I wish all my interviews could be done sipping tea in my pajamas. I'll hear from them whether or not to be called in for a face to face interview next week. I hope it works out because I would love to go back to Boston. To me though how this came about is perhaps more interesting than the actual interview. I receieved a job alert from Monster just yesterday to which I hit the "Apply" button because a full time library job in Boston with bennies can't just be ignored. Not long after that, I get an e-mail from them requesting my resume and to set up...

Why Do Things Happen To Me All At Once?

I have a possible problem. On Monday, my aunt, the one who recently separated from my uncle, is scheduled for some relatively minor surgery on Monday and I agreed, when we saw them at Thanksgiving, I would come help out with my cousin whom is about my age and am just as close to as the one I visited down in Florida. (He has cerebral palsy and is confined to a wheelchair.) I am planning to go up Sunday. I mentioned "movie woman" doesn't seem to want to get together again until after the holidays but I have two, possibly more depending on what happens in the next couple days, other POIs on the front burner. (Yeah, imagine me not putting all my eggs in one basket...) The last time I went away, Cupcake ended "it" for reasons that were always there so I see that as she just had time to think about it. I don't want these women to think about it until I myself have thought about it! Now, here's hot off the presses news: As I started to write this, my aunt e-mai...


Odin You scored 64 Wisdom, 30 Sexuality, 18 Strength, and 73 Goodliness! The Allfather, the head of the pantheon, blood-brother to Loki, you are the enigmatic, one-eyed man who heads everything. Thought and Memory are your ravens, who tell you everything on the planet. You hung from the world tree to learn the secrets of the runes, you seduced your way to the mead of poetry, and even cast your own eye into a well to receive the water of wisdom. You try everything within your awesome power to prevent the end, but your own efforts only serve to hasten it. You are capricious, but never malevolent. You and your mysterious brothers fashioned this world, and you will go down with it, victim of the foul wolf Fenrir. The Which Norse Deity Are You Test written by researcher on Ok Cupid , home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Sad But True

Anya You scored 9 knowingstuff! Yes, you do know a thing or two about sex in Sunnydale. However, like Anya, you seem to have a little trouble getting it whenenever you want it. 1000 years should have been enough to satisfy your needs, but still you keep after that one-eyed Fred Flintstone looking guy. Honey, you could do better. The Buffy Sex Trivia Test written by chickennibbler on Ok Cupid , home of the 32-Type Dating Test I've always liked Anya...


To pass the time while my parents were gone for the weekend, I decided to have a Star Trek movie marathon of sorts. I watched Star Trek: Generations last night and then watched Star Trek: First Contact after church today. At some point today, I'll be watching Star Trek: Insurrection and then Star Trek: Nemesis before they come back tomorrow evening. That's not what has me in such a good mood, however. While watching First Contact , the phone rang and I, of course, was like "If this is a telemarketer, someone will die." but no, it was for me but it a certain woman returning my phone message...I was right. She had been working a lot. She'd like to get together again...but not until after the holidays. I have mixed emotions about that but I'm very happy nonetheless. I'm ok with being the friendly fat guy... Hurley You scored 55% kindness, 36% courage, 36% seedy past, and 51% secretiveness! "For the record, my belt HAS dropped a notch. I'm a big...

Obsession, A Stale Fragrance by Likestrek

Still no call but, as my mother pointed out, and yes, I do talk to my mother about it since she's a woman and right there, I gave her an escape hatch. It would be nice if there was a reason that had nothing to do with with me for her to use it and I know with her classes and work she legitimately has more than one but...Truthfully, I don't even know how she saw what we did on Sunday; whether it was "a date" or just "two people who know each other going to a movie. " Now, if my mother's perceptions are correct, this person's mother and grandmother thought it was a date... I know I'm obsessing but at least it's someone new. Speaking of someone who isn't new, and why I'm sharing this now when it actually occurred on Sunday night (Yes, same day as my date) I don't know but, I was watching a rerun of Friends and it was the episode where Ross tells the British chick Emily he loves her. Because the episodes originally aired before I kne...

Probably Quick Update

I would like to thank Cupcake for her suggestion of taking notes during my interview yesterday. I don't know if it impressed the library director who interviewed me any but it did give my hands something to do as keeping them in my lap does not work for me at all. I think the interview went well but I think I fell that way more often than not and nothing happens but I really tried harder than usual to sell myself this time. I even kissed up more than usual. If I understood the director correctly, I am one of only four applicants but it only takes one doesn't it? I probably won't hear from them before the holidays due to unnecessary red tape but are we really surprised? I would also like to thank Lady Vader and Cupcake again for their suggestion to call my fellow movie goer. I called her last night but no one was home so I left a message saying something to the effect of "Hi. This a message for... This is... Just checking to see how the paper was going and to say hi. No...