Before I begin, I would just like to say that it takes real friends to completely ignore my questions and problem even when I so graciously help with their lame ass problems such as whether or not to monogram a g-d bag. I thank you so much.
This morning, I had what was refered to as a "phone screening" with a woman from a "prestigious law firm" in Boston. I think it went well and may I say that I wish all my interviews could be done sipping tea in my pajamas. I'll hear from them whether or not to be called in for a face to face interview next week. I hope it works out because I would love to go back to Boston.
To me though how this came about is perhaps more interesting than the actual interview. I receieved a job alert from Monster just yesterday to which I hit the "Apply" button because a full time library job in Boston with bennies can't just be ignored. Not long after that, I get an
e-mail from them requesting my resume and to set up a time for a phone chat. It happend very quickly.
That is not what I really want to talk about. No, I would like to discuss what I read in the Sports section of the newspaper. WTBF are the Red Sox thinking? You don't trade Doug Mirabelli! He is hands down the best backup catcher in the freaking major leagues.Jason Varitek can't catch Tim Wakefield. The ptcher went 0-4 with a freaking huge ERA in the games Jason caught. Hello? Ok, maybe Graffanino asked for too much money and a long term contract and you just want someone to be in place until Dustin Pedroia is ready to come up from the minors but wasn't that the reason Orlando Cabera wasn't resigned? You were waiting for Hanley Ramirez to be ready and then signed Edgar Renteria, who you're trying to unload now anyway, to an evn longer contract? Will Josh Beckett be worth trading Ramirez away now? John Burkett looked real good on paper too. Sure, he was ten years older but come on!
Having a closer by committee didn't work so why would having a committee at GM? The Orioles split the position between just two people and look at the crap they went through last year. Get your heads out of your asses and hire someone now before real damage happens. Personally, I think it already has.
This morning, I had what was refered to as a "phone screening" with a woman from a "prestigious law firm" in Boston. I think it went well and may I say that I wish all my interviews could be done sipping tea in my pajamas. I'll hear from them whether or not to be called in for a face to face interview next week. I hope it works out because I would love to go back to Boston.
To me though how this came about is perhaps more interesting than the actual interview. I receieved a job alert from Monster just yesterday to which I hit the "Apply" button because a full time library job in Boston with bennies can't just be ignored. Not long after that, I get an
e-mail from them requesting my resume and to set up a time for a phone chat. It happend very quickly.
That is not what I really want to talk about. No, I would like to discuss what I read in the Sports section of the newspaper. WTBF are the Red Sox thinking? You don't trade Doug Mirabelli! He is hands down the best backup catcher in the freaking major leagues.Jason Varitek can't catch Tim Wakefield. The ptcher went 0-4 with a freaking huge ERA in the games Jason caught. Hello? Ok, maybe Graffanino asked for too much money and a long term contract and you just want someone to be in place until Dustin Pedroia is ready to come up from the minors but wasn't that the reason Orlando Cabera wasn't resigned? You were waiting for Hanley Ramirez to be ready and then signed Edgar Renteria, who you're trying to unload now anyway, to an evn longer contract? Will Josh Beckett be worth trading Ramirez away now? John Burkett looked real good on paper too. Sure, he was ten years older but come on!
Having a closer by committee didn't work so why would having a committee at GM? The Orioles split the position between just two people and look at the crap they went through last year. Get your heads out of your asses and hire someone now before real damage happens. Personally, I think it already has.