I agreed to help my mother with her church's Christmas pageant so I actually went to two services on Christmas Eve and then one on Christmas morning, of course. I heard from my mother that She'd be at the second service so I made her a card and gave it to her in person. She was obviously surprised but I figure it was only a card so what's the big deal? I was going to ask her if she wanted to do something for New Year's but I just can't figure out how it would work since I don't drive so I didn't bother.
Presents this year basically fell into three categories: clothes, DVDs and food. I received the first season of Battlestar Galactica (new series), Revenge of the Sith and some obscure Westerns from my aunt. In the food category, my mother made me homemade peanut butter cups and my father bought me a bottle of Pennsylvania Dutch Egg Nog which had brandy, rum and whiskey in it. Damn that was good!
I also got Wildflower, Sheryl Crow's latest CD. I like it better than
C'mon C'mon but it isn't nearly as good as The Globe Sessions which leads me to conclude that, while she has some really awesome happy tunes, the albums are better when she's depressed but then you readers can guess why I may feel that way...
Oh, and Lady Vader may be interested that I also received a CSI CD-ROM game...
I'm not sure why I got this quiz result since I've been writing fan fic longer than I've known many if not all of you and have even started back up recently but that may be a topic for another post...

Which annoying fan are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Presents this year basically fell into three categories: clothes, DVDs and food. I received the first season of Battlestar Galactica (new series), Revenge of the Sith and some obscure Westerns from my aunt. In the food category, my mother made me homemade peanut butter cups and my father bought me a bottle of Pennsylvania Dutch Egg Nog which had brandy, rum and whiskey in it. Damn that was good!
I also got Wildflower, Sheryl Crow's latest CD. I like it better than
C'mon C'mon but it isn't nearly as good as The Globe Sessions which leads me to conclude that, while she has some really awesome happy tunes, the albums are better when she's depressed but then you readers can guess why I may feel that way...
Oh, and Lady Vader may be interested that I also received a CSI CD-ROM game...
I'm not sure why I got this quiz result since I've been writing fan fic longer than I've known many if not all of you and have even started back up recently but that may be a topic for another post...

Which annoying fan are you?
brought to you by Quizilla