You Are Likely a Third Born |
![]() At your darkest moments, you feel vulnerable. At work and school, you do best when you're comparing things. When you love someone, you tend to like to please them. In friendship, you are loyal to one person. Your ideal careers are: sales, police officer, newspaper reporter, inventor, poet, and animal trainer. You will leave your mark on the world with inventions, poetry, and inspiration. |
The odd thing about this is, much of what is said here is actually true. Does that say more about this quiz or me?
I'm concerned about the silence from my POI. Well, silence is not really the word. She comes on AIM when I'm Away says hi and then immediately logs off. She doesn't seem to be on at our usual conversation time anymore yet never suggests we change the time through e-mail or whatever. Should I take this as a sign she's no longer interested or does this imply she wants me to do all the damn work and suggest a time change myself? I don't like the implications of either.
The timing couldn't be more... I don't know what word I'm looking for but my point is that I'm getting money now, even if it's only small amounts, so things are looking up on that front and I thought things were going well with her.
I know I have to e-mail her but it's starting to aggravate me she won't just level with me on what the hell is going on in her life. I know we haven't met yet but it's not from lack of trying on my part. Sometimes I wish she'd just shit or get off the pot. (Ok, that was vulgar but the point is valid.) Argh!
Don't mention $$ in your post but you could say like, an activity you wanted to do that costs $$ and then ask if she'd be up for that... meh stuff like this sucks, kick her to the e-curb. And by that I mean, gradually let it go. hahaha