Recently, I finished reading State of Fear by Michael Crichton. I've enjoyed his books for years (I did a Literary Analysis paper on Sphere junior year of high school) although I think they've consistently made shitty movies out of them. I really hope Hollywood leaves this one alone. I have to say this: State of Fear is his best yet. I finished the book two days ago and there are still people in the book I don't trust. It's a techno-thriller that deals with eco-terrorists. I hadn't planned to finish it so close to Earth Day but it seems fitting. What I enjoy about Crichton's books is that, even though they are works of fiction, they usually include a bibliography this is no exception as it has a 20-pager included as well as two appendices. Not that I want to spoil anything but I was disappointed Peter didn't choose to pursue a relationship with either Sarah or Jennifer. In the scheme of things, that may be a very small nitpick, however.
Yesterday, my aunt from New Hampshire and her family stopped by for lunch on their way down to DC. It was good seeing them as they are the few family members who have ventured down to see us from up north.
Oh, MyDigitalis may be interested to hear that the family and I went to the same Mexican restaurant in the center of town she mentioned in her blog recently and I ordered a Mexican Mindblower and was basically given a birdbath of alcohol. (Again, why is all my good drinking occasions with my parents?) I still don't know what the "secret juices" mentioned on the menu are but the drink was very good and I will order it again.
Yesterday, my aunt from New Hampshire and her family stopped by for lunch on their way down to DC. It was good seeing them as they are the few family members who have ventured down to see us from up north.
Oh, MyDigitalis may be interested to hear that the family and I went to the same Mexican restaurant in the center of town she mentioned in her blog recently and I ordered a Mexican Mindblower and was basically given a birdbath of alcohol. (Again, why is all my good drinking occasions with my parents?) I still don't know what the "secret juices" mentioned on the menu are but the drink was very good and I will order it again.