I'm posting because I'm royally irritated and I have no one else to bitch to. For a couple months we at my church have been planning a Church Family Movie Night. We specifically called it such so people without families wouldn't feel out of place in coming. The original plan by the Christian Ed committee that I'm on was to show The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe because it appealed to everyone say 5th grade and up, maybe even younger. I would love to see it a third time myself. This event was being planned in conjunction with the Deacons.
One of the Deacons who has children ages around 2 and 5 thought that this movie was too scary for young children, which it probably is. My father tells me today that the crappy new Herbie the Love Bug movie with Lindsay Lohan will be shown instead. In my opinion, and I'm sure I could find film critics who agree with me, this movie would only appeal to young children of which we have only a handful or two, middle school age boys who want to get in Lindsay's pants of which we have none and old men for the same reason as the previously mentioned boys of which we have several but they probably don't like to go out at night so they probably won't be there.
Does this selection defeat the purpose of the "Church Family" label? I think it does. What person who doesn't have young kids is going to want to come to this? I know I don't...
One of the Deacons who has children ages around 2 and 5 thought that this movie was too scary for young children, which it probably is. My father tells me today that the crappy new Herbie the Love Bug movie with Lindsay Lohan will be shown instead. In my opinion, and I'm sure I could find film critics who agree with me, this movie would only appeal to young children of which we have only a handful or two, middle school age boys who want to get in Lindsay's pants of which we have none and old men for the same reason as the previously mentioned boys of which we have several but they probably don't like to go out at night so they probably won't be there.
Does this selection defeat the purpose of the "Church Family" label? I think it does. What person who doesn't have young kids is going to want to come to this? I know I don't...