THe other day, I finished reading Book 7 of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle. It's abundantly clear C.S. Lewis was tired of writing this series as it's very short, ends abruptly and, instead of a typical plot, he dumps everything he possibly could into this book. I mean it's the literary equivalent of one of those TV reunion specials where past castmembers return and reminisce. I really don't want to give anything away but I'm pretty sure he implied dear Susan Pevensie is in Hell for being a stereotypical teenage/young adult woman.
Because I once promised to give a final ranking of the books, here you go:
7. Book 5: A Horse and His Boy
6. Book 7: The Last Battle
5. Book 2: Prince Caspian
4. Book 6: The Magician's Nephew
3. Book 3: Voyage of the Dawn Treader
2. Book 4: The Silver Chair
1. Book 1: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
I think the fact the BBC never made movie specials of the last three books tells you something...
Sports interlude: The UConn men's basketball team really sucks this year.
Last night, we went to see the new Jennifer Garner movie Catch and Release. It doesn't deserve the bad review it got in The Hartford Courant but neither does it deserve the two thumbs up it got. Given the situation, I fully accept Garner's character would get into bed with the friend of questionable morals but she wouldn't fall in love with him and certainly would not drive to California to see him again. Kevin Smith saved this movie. His character was the only one that behaved realistically throughout and was hilarious to boot.
Because I once promised to give a final ranking of the books, here you go:
7. Book 5: A Horse and His Boy
6. Book 7: The Last Battle
5. Book 2: Prince Caspian
4. Book 6: The Magician's Nephew
3. Book 3: Voyage of the Dawn Treader
2. Book 4: The Silver Chair
1. Book 1: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
I think the fact the BBC never made movie specials of the last three books tells you something...
Sports interlude: The UConn men's basketball team really sucks this year.
Last night, we went to see the new Jennifer Garner movie Catch and Release. It doesn't deserve the bad review it got in The Hartford Courant but neither does it deserve the two thumbs up it got. Given the situation, I fully accept Garner's character would get into bed with the friend of questionable morals but she wouldn't fall in love with him and certainly would not drive to California to see him again. Kevin Smith saved this movie. His character was the only one that behaved realistically throughout and was hilarious to boot.