I promised myself I would no longer rant about the trivial but, well, maybe I blew that already with the "SpongeBob No-Pants" post so allow me a few moments to ask, what the bloody hell was America thinking voting off Melinda Doolittle? Admittedly, I watched American Idol, only sporadically, as usual frankly, but there were at least three women with talent this year. Only Jordin made it to the final. Melinda was the best by far. Now, maybe the audience figured that Melinda needed less help to get an album out which is definitely true but Blake sucked, OK? I was not impressed by his Maroon 5 or his rapping. And he looks like a boy band reject but that not his fault entirely I'm sure... I also realize only 12 year old girls actually vote on these things and they probably thought he was hot. Whether he can sing or not is irrelevant. This statement is backed up by what constitutes as "popular" in today's music... Was it a slam against Simon and the judges? They all loved her as well. "Oh, Simon liked her. That must mean she sucked..." ::shakes head::
Another sign that society is going down the toilet is that not only did ABC, which oddly has been my favorite broadcast network the last two years or so, commission a pilot based on the lame ass Geico cavemen, they picked up the series! WTF? I liked the campaign in the beginning but it's gone too far as the previous "I saved a boatload of money" campaign did. If ABC wants to do a series on a commercial, base it on the one with Burt Bacarach. ("I hope I don't get hit in the rear again...") Or the Travelocity Gnome. Now, that would rock... ("Oh, grow up!")
Ahem. In other news, I now am running Microsoft Vista. I'm liking the Mah Jong tile game although chess apparently is not my strong suit...
Another sign that society is going down the toilet is that not only did ABC, which oddly has been my favorite broadcast network the last two years or so, commission a pilot based on the lame ass Geico cavemen, they picked up the series! WTF? I liked the campaign in the beginning but it's gone too far as the previous "I saved a boatload of money" campaign did. If ABC wants to do a series on a commercial, base it on the one with Burt Bacarach. ("I hope I don't get hit in the rear again...") Or the Travelocity Gnome. Now, that would rock... ("Oh, grow up!")
Ahem. In other news, I now am running Microsoft Vista. I'm liking the Mah Jong tile game although chess apparently is not my strong suit...