This afternoon, we went to see the movie Stardust with some dude I've never heard of, Claire Danes, Michelle Pfeiffer, Nathaniel Parker (Inspector Lynley Mysteries), and Robert DeNiro. I thought the best DeNiro role was in Showtime, Meet the Parents or Analyze This but Captain Shakespeare is the role. While not Shatner-fall-off-the-couch funny, it was so good... Claire Danes was radiant as ever but given the role shouldn't we expect this? I think the witches were a bit too Witches of Eastwick but I suppose that's better than something better known so take the comment how you will... I suppose I'm a sucker for fantasy adventure but this movie was very good. My biggest nitpick was it seemed a bit too long but it's hard translating books on screen. You either make it short leaving too much out or you have this. I haven't actually read the book so it might be option three. I'm not sure how they'll do a sequel but The Never Ending Story II exists so...
In other news, still no word on that damn book but the last day of estimated delivery is Tuesday. I know I didn't pre-order and went through an affiliate but shouldn't they have re-stocked by now?
In other news, still no word on that damn book but the last day of estimated delivery is Tuesday. I know I didn't pre-order and went through an affiliate but shouldn't they have re-stocked by now?