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Showing posts from March, 2008

Sex In The (Little) City

Our movie loving cook friend came up this past weekend. No, we didn't watch any movies this time. Instead we watched the complete first two seasons of Sex in the City . My roommate had never seen any and she had never seen the original unedited versions. I had seen about three unedited episodes prior to this. It was an experience for us all. After she left I had to check to see if I was still male... Though it's just a stupid show and, in many ways, not related to my life ever, it did make me think about a few things. In one episode, Charlotte, who I think was the character I liked the most for many reasons, asked a man out. Though they all considered themselves "modern women," they seemed to feel doing so is "being the man" in the relationship. Is this typical for the average "real" woman? And, if so, why? In another episode, Miranda and a bartender broke up because she tried to buy him a suit and he felt emasculated. The class issue was also awkw...

Yet Two More Things

One of the days this week, I can't remember which now, maybe Wednesday, the publisher's sent me a PDF of the cover art. Admittedly, I'm not as exstatic about the font they used for the title as I could be but decided not to complain this time. Next book, we'll see... The design as a whole, though, is totally awesome! They actually superimposed an outline of Armenia to it! (I had to check this with Google Maps to confirm my suspicions.) Given my last statement, it's probably obvious that they didn't go with my aunt's design but I'm glad I can't remove her name from the acknowledgement page as she still did help with it and I'm greatful. The current president of the seminary where I volunteer is retiring in a couple months. On Thursday, there was a meet and greet with the new "President-elect." The Board of Trustees won't vote until early next week but it seems fairly certain he'll get in as that's the norm with pastoral searc...

Too Much Drama

I have now been back in Maine for over a year now and wanted to share my thoughts on how my life is now. The temping just didn't work out. I wouldn't say that the opportunity to transfer to the temp agency's office up here was too good to be true but there were some factors I didn't, and probably should have, considered. The bus system isn't nearly as extensive up here and, more importantly, I don't have the access to rides I did down in Connecticut. I think also their policies on typing speed, etc., also have changed but I could be wrong. Things I do enjoy about living up here is my church and my volunteering at the seminary library. It so great to go in every day to a job I enjoy with people that I not only enjoy working with but enjoy just hanging out with. This is a first for me. One thing I'm really getting sick of, though, is all the drama that is my roommate's life that I've gotten sucked into time and time again simply because I live here. (I...

In My Life

Two or three days ago, the publisher sent me new page proofs. These aren't to submit new changes, as that part is over, but to see if the corrections I previously submitted were actually done to my satisfaction. I got out my list and looked it over and notified them it was good. Now, I wait for the process to be started concerning cover design. I'm particularly looking forward to this as the cover must grab readers. If it doesn't grab me, it may not grab anyone else... I decided it was best to stay in town this Easter season as my mother's new job would mean she wouldn't even be there most of the weekend. Of course, my father would be just as busy as you'd think so it would mainly be just me and Susie. I miss her but, while she's a good listener, she's not much of a conversationalist...They sent me a Easter Basket, sans basket already anyway. This gave me the opportunity to go to my church's Maunday Thursday potluck supper. After we ate, we had a tra...

I Think I Discuss This Every Year

It's that time again. The Red Sox Hot Stove/Spring Training Rant. And it's always about one player. Yes, the Sox have dumped Doug Mirabelli. Again. They waited longer this time to do so so maybe they were right to do so this time. Doug's production has been down. He apparently batted like .202 this past season. Even for a back-up catcher, that isn't good. So what do they do? They release him and replace him with Kevin Cash who is a career buck-sixty hitter. The official line is Cash's defense has been better than Doug this spring which could very well be true. Cash also did fill in pretty well when Dougie went down in August. I've seen only one spring training game this year which I think Mirabelli was catching and he seemed fine to me but then I think Matsuzaka was pitching not Wakefield...I have to point out they're paying Cash much less than Doug had Mirabelli stayed. Coincidence? Hell, no. Back-up catcher is a tricky position. If their offense and defen...

Not Much, Or Maybe A Lot, To Say. You Decide.

Yesterday afternoon, my parents came down to celebrate my father's birthday. Because of my dance group commitment, we ate an early dinner at Applebee's. I had a beer with my Cheddar-Jack Mac and Cheese (which turned out to be Pepper Jack) because, as I pointed out to my mother, all I do is unlock doors and read. After dinner, I took them on a tour of the church and seminary downstairs where I volunteer. Exciting, no? The night got even better during the dance group when I laid down on the floor behind the desk and took a nap. I wonder if anyone saw me as they were much more expedient than normal getting out of the building so I could lock back up. No one said anything to me about it but still I wonder... The birthday "excitement" continued when I stayed home from the library and they took me grocery shopping and then we were joined by my roommate for a walk down to the local Starbucks where I tried their "Leprechaun Latte." I don't know how green it ...

New Movies I've Watched (And An Update On the Publishing Of My Book)

My roommate's movie-loving friend came up this past weekend so here's some reviews: Sidney White : This movie could have been called Sidney White and the Seven Dorks but I guess they didn't want to push it. I've always loved Amanda Bynes but I think What A Girl Wants is better although maybe because Colin Firth is a better actor than John "Bo Duke/Pa Kent" Schneider...Anyway, I hate movies like this on principle because sorority chicks, even if they share the same food allergies, would never fall for a dork at least not after only two brief conversations. Also, biker/goth chicks would also not want to "hook up" with a dork just because she promised herself she would if she met the writer of a blog she really liked. No! No! No! The Day After Tomorrow : Typical Roland Emmerich-directed action movie where shit gets destroyed except this time the enemy isn't aliens or giant lizards. It's global warming. There is no denying, Mr. Bush, that globa...

Hey, Old Man!

I'm officially an old man. I had my yearly physical yesterday and I'm now apparently at the stage where I have to get my cholesterol checked. Yes, high cholesterol runs in the family but I thought I was young. Two more signs I'm now old: I was encouraged to start giving myself monthly hernia exams. (I'd make a comment on how I prefer it when she does it but mine is not the right audience for that...) I also had my first rectal exam. Woo Hoo! My glucose level was good and my LDL (bad cholesterol) level was only 11 points higher than normal range which she wasn't concerned with at all. The only thing she was concerned with was my HDL or good cholesterol level which was 17 points below normal which means, apparently, I don't exercise enough. Those of you who know me should not be surprised by this but, in my defense, I am more active now than I use to be. I've been more ambitious fixing lunch lately. I've gotten into this kick of warming up canned soup on t...

Another Day, Yet Another Book

Last night I finished a Star Trek book. Book II of the Vulcan's Soul trilogy continues the two-fold story of Spock investigating the aggressions of an alien race called the Watraii towards the Romulans and the group of Vulcans who left their homeworld to colonize the twin homeworlds of Romulus and Remus centuries before. I thought I had reviewed the first book, Exodus , before but I can't find it in the archives. I suppose it was before I started reviewing books. Anyway, Exiles was a very nice read and I can't wait to see how it's concluded. My one real problem with the book, and it's a problem I had with the first book I think, they have appearances by Federation and Romulan characters we know but the two authors made up the Klingons that appear. I have nothing against original characters but it seems like a slight to that race at the very least if not a missed opportunity.

Back To Work

After my week of blah-ness, I went back to work today and managed to stay most of the morning before becoming a bit too tired. I am improving greatly though so that's good. While there, I was doing the striping project and I thought I finally came across a book that didn't not only didn't belong to us, it didn't belong to the Seminary at all. I ran it through and a message informed me it belonged somewhere else. Did we steal this from them? My boss came out and ran it through the catalog which revealed it did indeed belong to us. I ran it through check in again with nothing special happening. The bar code scanner read it wrong. But what a mistake! Long story shorter, this story really doesn't have a point! Oh well... While I was laid up, I finished a new book. Timothy Zahn is one of the main writers of Star Wars books. In fact, he's one of the few "originals" still writing them. I've said it more than once. I used to really enjoy Star Wars books ...