Last night I finished a Star Trek book. Book II of the Vulcan's Soul trilogy continues the two-fold story of Spock investigating the aggressions of an alien race called the Watraii towards the Romulans and the group of Vulcans who left their homeworld to colonize the twin homeworlds of Romulus and Remus centuries before. I thought I had reviewed the first book, Exodus, before but I can't find it in the archives. I suppose it was before I started reviewing books. Anyway, Exiles was a very nice read and I can't wait to see how it's concluded. My one real problem with the book, and it's a problem I had with the first book I think, they have appearances by Federation and Romulan characters we know but the two authors made up the Klingons that appear. I have nothing against original characters but it seems like a slight to that race at the very least if not a missed opportunity.
These are pictures from my first trip down to Southwest Florida this past October. The 'rents and I are going back down tomorrow so I thought I'd give all one of you a clue to where I was. This is a local park called Ponce De Leone Park. I like this shot because it shows some differences between down there and up here. There's some pretty tacky homes down there. Some homes, maybe that one, are worth about a million dollars and don't look much more interesting than that. By the way, we hope to see a real manatee or two this time... This is Gilchrist Park. That water in the lower left corner is actually part of a big fountain. Again, this shot shows a big difference in climate from up here. Interestingly, this park has the more extravagant Ponce De Leone statue/monument. Weird... We will probably visit this park again at least once while we're down. The theme of differences continues here, al beit morbidly. I had to get a shot of this as it amused me. (Although the ...