One of the days this week, I can't remember which now, maybe Wednesday, the publisher's sent me a PDF of the cover art. Admittedly, I'm not as exstatic about the font they used for the title as I could be but decided not to complain this time. Next book, we'll see... The design as a whole, though, is totally awesome! They actually superimposed an outline of Armenia to it! (I had to check this with Google Maps to confirm my suspicions.) Given my last statement, it's probably obvious that they didn't go with my aunt's design but I'm glad I can't remove her name from the acknowledgement page as she still did help with it and I'm greatful.
The current president of the seminary where I volunteer is retiring in a couple months. On Thursday, there was a meet and greet with the new "President-elect." The Board of Trustees won't vote until early next week but it seems fairly certain he'll get in as that's the norm with pastoral searches in the UCC. His wife came up to me as I was hanging up my jacket and was very interested I had a MLS from Simmons as I guess she had been roped into being the librarian at her church in Michigan. When introducing me to her husband, she pointed this out in particular not the fact that my father was a former student. I'm not saying this will help with the job search but...
The current president of the seminary where I volunteer is retiring in a couple months. On Thursday, there was a meet and greet with the new "President-elect." The Board of Trustees won't vote until early next week but it seems fairly certain he'll get in as that's the norm with pastoral searches in the UCC. His wife came up to me as I was hanging up my jacket and was very interested I had a MLS from Simmons as I guess she had been roped into being the librarian at her church in Michigan. When introducing me to her husband, she pointed this out in particular not the fact that my father was a former student. I'm not saying this will help with the job search but...