No, I'm not starting a new blog; though I am working on a new website. No, the title refers to the fact most of this post is related to my book with a couple other points thrown in.
I don't know if any one read my last post but the author talk with my former teacher was quite good. When I revealed to her who I was, her eyes widened, her jaw dropped and she came running over to give me a hug. Afterwards, she introduced me to one of her sons. I told him I was at his parents' wedding and his mother added she'd show him pictures when they got home. He seemed oddly interested. I don't know if I would have when I was 17 but whatever...
The co-owner of the nearby bookstore was in attendance and I was able to check to see if he received the copy of my book I left him. He's reviewing it now.
When I got home, I went on Amazon to look at my book again. The cover art and book blurb are up so that was cool. Another fact also caught my eye: it said there was only one copy left in stock and more would arrive soon! I have no idea how many were there to begin with but I'm still excited anyway.
Periodically, I also Google my book and I come across more and more countries added to the list. Only about half are Amazon-affiliated sites. So far I've seen Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Japan, Norway and South Africa. Who in those countries would buy my book? I have no idea but they could if they wanted to!
The excitement of this as given me the inspiration to write again. It's been great.
In other news, my mother was in town Sunday night so we went over to my grandmother's for dinner. One of the major topics of conversation was my book, of course.
In completely different news, my cousin and I went to visit a shop owned by a elderly couple from my church. They had a credit card reader but had no idea how to use it. We offered to come back with cash another time but they wanted to try it...Ugh. To top it off, we left my roommate's wallet there so I had to go back for it. Next time we're bringing cash...
I don't know if any one read my last post but the author talk with my former teacher was quite good. When I revealed to her who I was, her eyes widened, her jaw dropped and she came running over to give me a hug. Afterwards, she introduced me to one of her sons. I told him I was at his parents' wedding and his mother added she'd show him pictures when they got home. He seemed oddly interested. I don't know if I would have when I was 17 but whatever...
The co-owner of the nearby bookstore was in attendance and I was able to check to see if he received the copy of my book I left him. He's reviewing it now.
When I got home, I went on Amazon to look at my book again. The cover art and book blurb are up so that was cool. Another fact also caught my eye: it said there was only one copy left in stock and more would arrive soon! I have no idea how many were there to begin with but I'm still excited anyway.
Periodically, I also Google my book and I come across more and more countries added to the list. Only about half are Amazon-affiliated sites. So far I've seen Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Japan, Norway and South Africa. Who in those countries would buy my book? I have no idea but they could if they wanted to!
The excitement of this as given me the inspiration to write again. It's been great.
In other news, my mother was in town Sunday night so we went over to my grandmother's for dinner. One of the major topics of conversation was my book, of course.
In completely different news, my cousin and I went to visit a shop owned by a elderly couple from my church. They had a credit card reader but had no idea how to use it. We offered to come back with cash another time but they wanted to try it...Ugh. To top it off, we left my roommate's wallet there so I had to go back for it. Next time we're bringing cash...