I figured I'd take this time to briefly give you more detail on the recent alumni party. It was held downtown and the purpose of which was to introduce the college's new online community. I had already registered but whatever. I get there ten minutes early. They're still setting up. As I mentioned on Twitter, only one other alum from the class of 1987 shows up. So the four of us, as one of the people from the Alumni office is also an alum, reminisce about my good old college, the nuns and everything.
Even though it's been less than a decade, there's been changes. The radio station I worked at is now gone. I'm not surprised by this. Interest in it was waning when I went there. One of my favorite English teachers has retired but the one nun who once said if she retired she'd die apparently has stayed true to her word and is still there! Oddly, they don't go to Sea dogs games during Senior Week any more...
My parents have finished reading my book. (Well, my mother has and my father is almost finished.) I stuck in references that only they'd know and they caught them. My father liked the pacing and commented that "I know the genre and don't deviate from it." I'm taking that as a compliment...
To fully understand what my plans are today, let me take you back to Thursday morning. I was hanging out in my boss' office, reading the paper while she was reading her email. She asks me if I had read a book called Buried because the genre was similar to mine though Young Adult. I said no and she said the author, Robin Merrow MacCready, was going to speak at the public library today. I was flabbergasted. "Robin Merrow MacCready!" I screamed. "She was my kindergarten teacher!" (I can't wait for Google to pick this entry up...) We haven't seen each other in almost 25 years so I'm excited. I think she'll remember me eventually as, in addition to being her student, my parents officiated at her wedding which I attended. If you'd like to know more about this story, email me...
Even though it's been less than a decade, there's been changes. The radio station I worked at is now gone. I'm not surprised by this. Interest in it was waning when I went there. One of my favorite English teachers has retired but the one nun who once said if she retired she'd die apparently has stayed true to her word and is still there! Oddly, they don't go to Sea dogs games during Senior Week any more...
My parents have finished reading my book. (Well, my mother has and my father is almost finished.) I stuck in references that only they'd know and they caught them. My father liked the pacing and commented that "I know the genre and don't deviate from it." I'm taking that as a compliment...
To fully understand what my plans are today, let me take you back to Thursday morning. I was hanging out in my boss' office, reading the paper while she was reading her email. She asks me if I had read a book called Buried because the genre was similar to mine though Young Adult. I said no and she said the author, Robin Merrow MacCready, was going to speak at the public library today. I was flabbergasted. "Robin Merrow MacCready!" I screamed. "She was my kindergarten teacher!" (I can't wait for Google to pick this entry up...) We haven't seen each other in almost 25 years so I'm excited. I think she'll remember me eventually as, in addition to being her student, my parents officiated at her wedding which I attended. If you'd like to know more about this story, email me...