Yesterday because our apartment was being fumigated, I was downtown a lot. After work and lunch, I went the local bookstore and they finally agreed to put the copy I left on the shelf and then we'll see how that goes! I've alerted my friends in town so it should go well. Now if Borders agrees to a similar deal, I'll be all set...
After that I went to see Kung Fu Panda with Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie and Jackie Chan to name a few. While the movie wasn't "Shrek funny," it still had me laughing pretty hard in places. There was this girl about 4 or 5 years old you was laughing hysterically during most of the film...
Last night was my church's pot luck and Annual Meeting which meant no dance group and no money for me but I did get dinner. For the most part, the meeting was straightforward until the end when we discussed the new capital campaign and whether to allow alcohol in the church. The former issue was settled fairly well (The goal amount was increased by more than some wanted.) but the latter still is on the mind of many. (At least the ones I've seen today...) I agree alcohol should not be served at church functions but I think allowing it at wedding receptions and Seminary functions should be considered which proper guidelines established...Honestly, the food wasn't as good this time as the last pot luck but that had more children in attendance so less experimentation was done that night...
After that I went to see Kung Fu Panda with Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie and Jackie Chan to name a few. While the movie wasn't "Shrek funny," it still had me laughing pretty hard in places. There was this girl about 4 or 5 years old you was laughing hysterically during most of the film...
Last night was my church's pot luck and Annual Meeting which meant no dance group and no money for me but I did get dinner. For the most part, the meeting was straightforward until the end when we discussed the new capital campaign and whether to allow alcohol in the church. The former issue was settled fairly well (The goal amount was increased by more than some wanted.) but the latter still is on the mind of many. (At least the ones I've seen today...) I agree alcohol should not be served at church functions but I think allowing it at wedding receptions and Seminary functions should be considered which proper guidelines established...Honestly, the food wasn't as good this time as the last pot luck but that had more children in attendance so less experimentation was done that night...