You are Quagmire, a disgusting womanizer. You have no respect for women and think of them only as things you use once then get a new one. Like a freaking disposable camera.
The super-amazing which Family Guy character are you quiz!!! Sixteen different outcomes!!! brought to you by Quizilla
With the fun stuff out of the way, let's get serious again.
So here I am, alone with her, or at least as alone as one can get in a busy cafeteria, and all we talk about is when we're going home for break; a conversation we already had of course. I suck.
I got a phone call from my father earlier this evening. Because of a death in the church, of a high ranking member, if you will, no less, I could be going home on the bus on Tuesday or getting picked up Friday. Neither option really appeals to me.
Before you all are like "You are narcissistic!" I'm upset by this death as well. When I worked in the office, we worked very closely on a few projects and he taug...