Topic One: Pettite out of Pinstripes. Sweet! (I'm amused he wants Clemens to join him in Houston.) I'm not worried about Kevin Brown. Yes, he had a good year last season but John Burkett had a good year the season before joining the Red Sox and look how that turned out. I will also point out Brown is older.
Topic Two: Financially, the Red Sox pursuing A-Rod makes no sense at all. Financially was the only reason that made sense in trying to dump Manny but, in pursuing A-Rod, this would mean one of only two outcomes: two contract albatrosses or merely exchanging one for larger one. I'll admit that A-Rod is better than Nomar at short. Nomar has been to error prone the past two seasons and his bat was absent during the playoffs. A-Rod will help with problem number one for sure but we'll have to see about the post season when it comes. A-Rod may choke too. He's out of practice in this area. Things may be interesting this season.