I was going to wait and review the last three Enterprise episodes all at once but then this week's impressed me greatly so here I am. The Reptiles kidnapping Hoshi last week was very cool. I know I've said this on numerous occasions but I really like how they are giving her stuff to do this season. This week's special effects rocked and it isn't even the season finale. I loved seeing the ships being torn apart by the anomalies. Ah, the Insectoids realize the truth. Of course the Guardians tipped their hand before they did but still a good thing nonetheless. A bit of trivia before I move on: though the episode was very DS9, it was directed by Robert Duncan McNeill...
The local ABC affiliate did it again for the second year in a row. They interrupted the season finale of Alias . Vaughn has Lauren strung up and was threatening to kill her then the weather guy comes on and says a tornado will hit Lady Vader's town any minute. I admit I was momentarily concerned....
Whatever opinions or views I wish to share, now including my new life in the great state of Maine, will appear here. Lucky You...