I was going to wait and review the last three Enterprise episodes all at once but then this week's impressed me greatly so here I am. The Reptiles kidnapping Hoshi last week was very cool. I know I've said this on numerous occasions but I really like how they are giving her stuff to do this season. This week's special effects rocked and it isn't even the season finale. I loved seeing the ships being torn apart by the anomalies. Ah, the Insectoids realize the truth. Of course the Guardians tipped their hand before they did but still a good thing nonetheless. A bit of trivia before I move on: though the episode was very DS9, it was directed by Robert Duncan McNeill...
The local ABC affiliate did it again for the second year in a row. They interrupted the season finale of Alias. Vaughn has Lauren strung up and was threatening to kill her then the weather guy comes on and says a tornado will hit Lady Vader's town any minute. I admit I was momentarily concerned. This warning was pulled five minutes later. When we return we see Lauren visiting Sark in prison. Did Vaughn change his mind and just take her into custody? It turned out to be Syd in disguise. Then they show Vaughn in the hospital with a punctured lung. Apparently, Katya stabbed him. We'll probably never know why now...Now, my frustration with ABC as a network: You're going to make us wait until January to find out the significance of the last scene? Argh!!! (I know 24 is not starting their next season until January either but they aren't ending tonight with a cliffhanger...) "The fans deserve consecutive episodes." Yes, we do. The show would have done fine up against the Grammys and who cares about Super Millionaire anyway? And why pick Sunday to show that special Harry Potter thing? When will networks stop looking at ratings and listen to what the true fans want? (Somewhat rhetorical question.)
The local ABC affiliate did it again for the second year in a row. They interrupted the season finale of Alias. Vaughn has Lauren strung up and was threatening to kill her then the weather guy comes on and says a tornado will hit Lady Vader's town any minute. I admit I was momentarily concerned. This warning was pulled five minutes later. When we return we see Lauren visiting Sark in prison. Did Vaughn change his mind and just take her into custody? It turned out to be Syd in disguise. Then they show Vaughn in the hospital with a punctured lung. Apparently, Katya stabbed him. We'll probably never know why now...Now, my frustration with ABC as a network: You're going to make us wait until January to find out the significance of the last scene? Argh!!! (I know 24 is not starting their next season until January either but they aren't ending tonight with a cliffhanger...) "The fans deserve consecutive episodes." Yes, we do. The show would have done fine up against the Grammys and who cares about Super Millionaire anyway? And why pick Sunday to show that special Harry Potter thing? When will networks stop looking at ratings and listen to what the true fans want? (Somewhat rhetorical question.)